"You can hardly call it stealing, Mr. Par, they gave it to me." Rudolf said, grabbing GG round the neck as it followed the strange little yelping creature over to Reuben, stopping it in it's tracks. "You are being so rude today." He said, before turning up to Ahnciel. "Sorry, I had no idea you were a gene-mod. I thought you were just into the cosplay. He always gets curious about other types, but he's harmless. Watch." Rudolf let the big monster go and it obediently stayed in place. Rudolf stood in front of it and said, clearly and in a loud voice, "GG, sit!" The beasts giant haunches hit the floor with a muffled metallic thud. Rudolf extended his hand, palm up. "GG, shake." A claw that could tear its way through the hull of a starship lifted up off the ground a placed itself delicately in Rudolf's hand. Rudolf smiled. "GG, hard shake." A pair of tendrils snaked their way forward and wrapped around Rudolf's waist and under his arms, lifting him up into the air and quickly shaking him up and down for three seconds before placing him back on the ground where the man tried desperately to re-find his bearing. He steadied himself on a chair and shook his head. "That one was a whole lot more fun when I was younger." He said laughingly. "But you see, he's a good boy. Well, until anyone takes a shot at me. Speaking of!" He turned to Par and whipped out his PDA, flipping the screen to show the map of the tunnels. "I was planning on running my boy through that rat maze and seeing what I scared up. Tops is building an army of monsters and they'll probably be down there. I imagine he'll spook once he hears what's happening and you can pick him up then. I'm ready to go whenever. Coordination is important and Remmy would yell at me over the phone if I put you out at all."