[center][h2]A First[/h2][/center] [center][i]Wind Wild[/i][/center] [center]Ludelle, Izual, Rini, Calder[/center] [center]Day 3, Noon[/center] Oh. So shy [b]was [/b]his type. A small smirk crossed Ludelle’s mind but as it came out it was shaped like a flawless innocent smile. The compliment about her eyes was sweet but came as no surprise – after all, the magic behind them was a gift from the gods themselves. It was the single most reliable way to entice anyone, friend or foe, and Ludelle suspected the reason why they’d covered her face in Southgate was because the Blade knew. Which in turn meant that either Adela or Marcus had betrayed her as they were the only two people on the planet who knew about her connection to Qtelneick. And while it was troublesome that in return she had to speak the truth and nothing but the truth one day every week, what she herself gained was pretty damn useful sometimes. She fluttered dark-tinted eyelashes, careful not to overdo it and thanked for the compliment. Then she said that, of course, she would like nothing more than to spend more time with him if he’d have her and was just reaching for his arm when her guardian decided to reappear. In the worst possible moment with the worst possible company. Ludelle hated kids and found it hard to supress a grimace as she looked at Rini. “Oh, hello sweetheart.” She chirped, bending slightly over to smile at the child. “I like your dress, it’s very pretty.” She commented before straightening up again. “Um, if I can introduce you to Izual Anzhela. He is…” lower your eyes and let the corner of your lips twitch slightly, unsure. The blush will come naturally. “He’s my date for today.” Lastly, direct look at him for reassurance and let him see that slight embarrassment on your face, pink cheeks go well together with rose lips and long dark eyelashes. It had been a long time since she’d last done it, but Ludelle knew how to seduce a man. In her sleeve there was a whole repertoire of roles she’d assumed to get the ones she wanted, shy, nasty, rich, they all needed a special touch. And she had it, it came back as naturally as driving. But she was a bit rusty and Marcus was still stuck at the back of her mind, somehow pulling her back to her real self and hindering her act. But she had to get over him, right? And how could she hope to do that if not by being with another man? Despite her calculating approach, Ludelle realised she really did hope to get a shot with this guy. And as she saw it, the only thing that could stand in her way was that Calder had been around her long enough to recognise the act. That’s why she was so glad that before anyone could say anything else, the Master of Word announced they would be moving and everyone stated towards the middle of the hall. Ludelle grabbed Izual’s arm and rushed to the platform, hoping that Calder would get the hint and let her enjoy the party.