Ryan departed from the small bar, drunk and ready to get home and into his bed. He had enough sense to not drive himself home despite that his car was parked right outside. After working for the local emergency transport services for three months, he'd seen more tragic accidents than he cared to count due to reckless driving, there had even been a few deaths, though none on his watch he'd been proud to admit. Ryan staggered along, and grabbed a lamp post just at the end of a dark alley. Hearing something his senses sharpened, though he wasn't sure what he'd heard. He squinted his eyes as he gazed down the alley, and saw a dark figure, which was blurry from the amount of alcohol consumed, that was hunched over onto itself. Ryan stood for a moment with his brow wrinkled before shaking his head and jogging over to the figure. He knelled down next to the figure and placed a hand on it, holding his breath. [i]Good[/i], he thought. [i]You're alive.[/i] "Are you okay?" He asked in a soft, slightly slurred voice.