[h2][center][color=00aeef]Sayaka Himura[/color][/center][/h2] As she began catching her breath, after getting the equivalent of being jabbed with a stun rod several and puking up what she ate earlier, Sayaka was approached by the girl from earlier that was flaunting her goods to everyone, she patted her back and tried to comfort Sayaka saying everyone has their days. The Mummy girl coughed twice she looked up to Claudia's breast and stood up straight, she had her eyes planted straight on the Italian girl's chest, when the Italian girl mentioned getting food Sayaka pointed to the teachers before saying. "[color=00aeef] Don't we need to write down our names for who we are gonna room with ? Also my name is Sayaka .[/color]" Sayaka informed the girl, she soon noticed another girl that was bending over showing her butt towards both Claudia and her, she seemed to be picking things up off the ground. Sayaka was hypnotized to approach the girl in her distracted state and knew she had to; Sayaka opened one of her hands and quickly grabbed the knife nut girl's bottom, even if it ment getting a knife to the skull from the same girl, when she pulled her hand away she felt that the risk was now just bigger than the reward for groping the girl." [color=00aeef]Oh not that curvy or any chubby-ness to it ? You should probably eat more and get that booty nice and plump.[/color]" She told the girl before looking at her empty palm. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Brithwyr]