Not exactly burning with curiosity to find out how it was the bear man became the wounded wreck he was, Zack continued to his actual destination, the city of Avisthelm. After a few more hours travel, it finally came into view. The sprawling, massive city was always an awing, humbling site for Zack. After all, he had grown up among squat adobe structures strewn across the Nin'thassias share of the central desert. There was really no comparing the two. Once within the city walls, it did not take Zack long to find his destination. Before him sat a small cottage. The outside bore some signs of neglect and disrepair, but not too much more than the other houses on the street. The curtains were drawn shut in every window. He wandered up to the door and rapped against it in an exact tune, the sequence agreed upon by him and the occupants long ago. A grin spread as he swung the door open and stepped inside. Inside were three coyote youths sat in a circle on the floor. They were seemingly in the middle of a game, wherein they each took turns twirling a small spinning top. To each of their sides were piles of books. Zack grinned to them, and they lifted their heads to return smiles to him. They sprang up and rushed over to him, all three latching onto him. He wrapped his own arms around them to complete the group hug. "Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Balaam, how you've grown! You're gonna be even taller than I am some day!" Zack chirped. "Taller than you? I hope not! I see the way you have to duck your head to even come in here, Zack!" sneered Balaam. Zack burst into laughter and ruffled his mop of hair. All four of them wandered over to the center of the room together. As Zack sat down, he pinched the stem of the spinning top and gave it a twirl. "Now, I hope you boys haven't been playing games all of the time. You've been studying as well, yes?" Zack interrogated with a warm smile. The three boys looked to each other, then grinned to him sheepishly. "Well, we play the games sometimes!" said Isaiah. "... A lot of the time." added Ezekiel. "Though to be fair," interjected Balaam, "We mostly do it as part of the trick you taught us. Y'know, if we think the guards are coming, shift the books aside and play the game, so we don't get caught." Zack turned his gaze to each as they spoke, his grin growing wider and wider. "Well, I know I push you real hard, but what's life without a bit of fun every now and then anyhow?" Zack snickered, then peered at the top, which had by now settled on its side. "More importantly, how'd I do?" He rubbed his hands eagerly. "Well, uh. You got a bad side. You lost." Balaam explained, trying to hold back a laugh. "Gotta hand over your stuff, bucko!" Isaiah snickered, doing a worse job than Balaam at containing his amusement. Zack laughed and shook his head. He swung his staff over and unbound the bindle. He sat the bag before the three boys and unfurled it, letting its contents fall out. Numerous gaudy, intricate trinkets spilled forth. Ezekiel, Balaam and Isaiah immediately started examining each item. "Tried to bring you back more stuff to play with this time. When learning magic, it's best to see how the professionals do it. So, by all means, poke and prod and break these magic devices to see how they work. They only cost me many week's lunches, after all." Zack said as he fell onto his back, his arms wrapped behind his head, an ankle rested over the other. "So you're telling us it's okay to take breaks from study to have fun, and now you're giving us more homework?" said Isaiah teasingly. "Study -is- fun, isn't it? Besides, it's the only way any of you are ever gonna be as powerful as big bro - me." said Zack idly, finishing with a yawn. At this, all three pounced upon him, lightly bashing him with their balled hands. Zack squirmed and giggled under their combined assault. When he grew tired of this, Zack launched his counter attack, and soon had Balaam and Isaiah under either arm. Ezekiel had bolted off. Zack burst into laughter. "Hey, put up a good fight this time," said Zack, admiringly, "And why is it important to put up a good fight, little ones?" "Life punishes weakness." Isaiah and Balaam recited in near unison. Ezekiel's voice joined them from the other room. Zack released the two from their headlock and nodded, a pleased grin on his face. "We're the last of the Itzhaks. There will come the day where I'm not going to be around to be strong for you all anymore. It's why you each gotta become powerful like me and keep what's left of our tribe alive." "You keep talking about keeping the tribe alive, but why haven't you met any nice nin'tah girlies yet, big bro?" jeered Balaam. Zack gave a stunned look, then some aghast laughter. This only increased the amusement of Balaam, and soon his brothers were snickering also. Zack suddenly grinned broadly, then leaned over, gripped the hem of Balaam's wool cap, and tugged it down over his face. Zack folded his arms as he watched Balaam stumble around, amused. Isaiah and Ezekiel now laughed at Balaam as he stumbled over. "You're lucky I promised the city watch I won't use my powers here, young man. I mean, it's the only reason they let me visit you lot in the first place." said Zack. "You're -still- seen as a threat?" Ezekiel said as his interest was caught by yet another one of the baubles Zack had brought him, consisting of a small orrery-esque structure, kept in eternal motion by its enchantments. "Ayup. Haven't done -anything- to the locals in, hell, years by now. But they don't want me making a mess of things" explained Zack as he slumped onto a rickety rocking chair in the corner, then let out a yawn. "They've been nicer to me this visit, though. They've told me I've got a week to stay with you guys."