Codename: Agent M0rph3us Real Name: Christina “Christie” Johnson Appearance: [img][/img] Skills Specialty: Hacking Others: Stealth, Parkour, CQC, Lockpicking Stream- Manifestation: Electrokinesis Purity: Electrokinesis 1 Equipment- Armor: Heavily modified to increase computational power, storage, and signal I/O Range. Also has her Codename stenciled onto the back of the left arm of the suit Weapons: [hider=The Ovid] [img][/img] The Ovid is a wrist based device that fires a thin line of special alloy designed to be incredibly flexible while outstandingly sturdy. At top speed, The Ovid's tether is as fast as a bullet and can travel almost as far as one due to how much tether The Ovid has thanks to the small size. The small blade at it's tip ensures that it can pierce even stone so you don't need to worry about grappling onto any surface. [img][/img] The line's firing speed can be adjusted with the holographic display. The display also handles aim and be calibrated to your helmet for any necessary adjustments you might need to make. It retracts in a matter of seconds(though you can adjust that as well) so re-firing can happen as soon as you need it, great for quick getaways. The device also easily conducts electricity so should one happen to have an electric based stream(hint hint) one could easily electrify a person from an incredibly long distance. One could even use it as a whip if they wanted [/hider] Other: Her full cyber-warfare suite, built into her suit, with hardwire connection to her brain to enable split-moment decisions. Also, a small drone that can be used for scouting or remote network connectors. [hider=Drone] [img][/img] Credit: [url][/url] fold up for easy storage in a grenade slot. They fly through VTOL thrust, a turbine under the main bit, and smaller turbines in each leg for thrust and turning, as well as electromagnets for climbing and hanging on quiet-like, and datajacks for obvious reasons [/hider] Personality:truly a thrill-seeker at heart, she doesn’t trust or befriend that easily, but if you get on her good side, you have a staunch supporter, and a powerful one, at that. She is a decent person at heart, but impulsive, and occasionally erratic. And god help us all if she gets bored. History: Christina Johnson was born to a middle-class family on New Earth, her mother and father both worked in the Network Security Administration, the government group tasked with hunting down hackers, black sites, and other illegal netizens. She had a good early childhood, with some good friends, and a solid social life, but her favorite thing, the one thing that truly grabbed her interest and held it, was computers. She was always connected in one way or another, as were most of her friends, which might explain why she was online so much, but whatever. She ended up being what most people would call a Net Junkie, or a “Nettie” for short. Somewhere along the way, she decided to learn how the computers and networks she so loved worked, what made them tick, which got her into programming, not to mention researching the hardware and eventually building her own custom rig, with her parents blessing. She was still a fit, active young woman, her main physical activities being parkour and urban exploration. Along the rabbit hole of curiosity, she started to wonder what the code that actually ran the net was like. She started to do research, and this research led her down towards the DarkNet. In the seedy gray area between the ‘dark’ and ‘light’ nets is where she ran into a group of people who turned into her other group of friends, friends that would later become Network Of Dreams, a group of shadowy hackers that ruled the DarkNet under their leader, M0rph3us. But I'm getting ahead of myself.... During her hunt for information on the “Core of the Net”, as she liked to call it, she learned that it was run from, and stored on, a massive amount of remote servers, owned by many companies, mostly ISPs, and that at this point, it wasn’t really possible to view the core programs that kept the Net running. By 15, this infatuation with technology led her to the concept of hacking, a form of thievery she thrived in. She studied endlessly and with her already astounding knowledge of computers, expanded her intellect even further into the field of computers. By 17 she could crack a high level safe from the comfort of her own home, though that was just practice. And that's where Network of Dreams came in. With her new talent and skill, Christina was able to put together an idealistic hacker group under her command. They were freedom chasers and thrill seekers, amassing money and power through targeted attacks on corporate, government and private machines and servers. Some of what they took went to the poor but really, it was for the fun of it, they had a special gift and they knew how to raise a little hell with it. The group had a good run, ran rampant for a full two years, but all things have to come to an end eventually. Christina's end, or rather her beginning, came from a steady flow of rumors and her natural love of a challenge. You see, the young hacker had to know just how good she really was so it wasn't a surprise when she, having heard of the legendary protection program that they employed, targeted the largest enterprise to grace New Earth, Olympus. This giant corporation, with a stagnating amount of power and influence, boasted the galaxy's highest Christina hacking into their bank records within a matter of minutes was something they had never even considered. Her abilities on the net were unprecedented and she knew it, her friends knew it. But, while she may have been a genius, they were a company with resources and secrets they'd rather keep hidden so it wasn't long before she received an email, requesting the presence of Morpheus. Suffice to say, Christina was aware of how the proverbial shit had hit the fan. ========================================================== That night, she waited in the forest where she used to hike before hacking took her focus. She walked the path resolutely, realizing that they asked her here because they knew she knew the place well, it had been a short time but the company had already created a profile of her. “Scary..” She said to herself as she walked through the hiking path. “You are Morpheus?” A voice called from above her and she jumped Christina responded with, “Yeah, but my friends call me Christie, who’s asking?” In the next second, a young man fell from the tree tops to land in front of her. A figure clothed in pitch black stood before her, helmet obscuring his face as he stood on a large boulder. “Not much of a talker huh?” She began, trying to get a read on her mystery man. “Well, I got what you asked for, everything I stole from your oh-so-secure facility you call a company.” She tossed it to the agent and he caught it effortlessly, nodding before putting it away for later. “Was that it?” The agent of Olympus jumped from his perch to walk right up to the young hacker. He raised his arm up and she instinctively gulped. “Guess not, huh?” She took a step back but the agent merely followed with a step of his own. “What, can't let me live?" She inquired with a smirk on her face and hands behind her back, electricity beginning to build. “That's fine, gotta keep the reputation going right?” She stopped retreating when she reached a cliff and realized there wasn't anywhere else to go. “But you should know something.” She threw a hand down to her side, surging with lightning. “I don't go down-” *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* “-easy?” She stopped when she took a look at her “attacker” and realized he was tapping his arm. “What are you-” *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* She took another look at him and realized that she recognized that posture, that stance people got when dealing with a computer that wasn't working. “ you not know how to turn your computer on?” She questioned with hands on her hips The figure stopped tapping at that, put his arms behind his back...and looked away. “Oh my god, you don't!” The imminent feeling of danger now gone, she slid a non-electrically charged hand across her face and grimaced. She hated helping her grandparents with their computers whenever she visited but this guy didn't even seem to know how to turn his damn thing on. “Let me guess, new equipment?” She asked, exasperated. “Give me that!” She grabbed the agent's arm and tapped what looked like a screen. "The problem is these things need to be calibrated before hand which I'm guessing you or your boss neglected to do.” Suddenly, a holographic screen shot up and she was looking at logs and data flow that maybe she should have saved for later. “There, all set.” The agent pulled his arm back and quickly ran his fingers along the holographic screen before tapping it once to bring up a video. On the screen was a blonde haired man with brimming green eyes. He was young, maybe in his 30's and he had a smile that brightened up the dark space lit by the moon. “You, young lady, are in a lot of trouble.” The blonde haired Director started. He was surprisingly jokey despite the context. “Breaking and entering, stealing confidential information, and more cybercrimes than we could recite in a day. You are looking at a pretty steep jail sentence.” His bright smile turned to a smirk and Christina's eyes narrowed. “ But, it seems that you are in luck. You remember the information you took from us, the bank records and the like?” Christina found herself nodding despite knowing it was a recording. “Well, short explanation? We're very impressed. So impressed that we'd like to give you an option that would equal up to a lot less jail time, meaning no jail time. We need someone with your talents my Johnson, someone who can go places and do things that my other agents can't. ” His eyes seemed to glint with mischief. “What do you say to a career change, one that might raise a little hell. In exchange, we won't press any charges, what do ya say?” Christina pondered for a moment, and quickly made her decision. “What choice do I have? I’ll do it.” “In that case, welcome to Olympus, Agent Morpheus. Report to the Aponrette Spaceport in three days. We will pick you up there. Your parents have been notified of your new job so no need for those awkward explanations.” When she got back home, her parents looked, strangely, not angry, but congratulatory. “Congratulations Christie! I’m a little sad that you didn’t tell us, but great job being accepted into the Galactic Council CySec Command! No wonder you've been so distance, you must have been studying day and night to get accepted into the program, you should have told us!” And suddenly, Christie realized that a lie or two had been told to cover up what her real new job was. Just as well, the truth that their daughter was the kind of person they'd throw in jail wasn't something she wanted to admit anyway. Whatever space had grown between them during her time as a criminal, she wanted them to think well of her. Maybe this new job would give her a chance to make that wish come true. In three days..... “Christina Johnson?” She went to the pick-up spot and saw a young man in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He had cold black eyes and messy black hair but she could tell how he walked up to her that he wasn't normal. She nodded to him when he asked her name, letting him take her bags and recognizing the monotone voice of the smooth faced agent. “So, where are we going?” She asked but got nothing. “Okay, what are we doing?” Still nothing. “Fine, can I at least get your name, I'll need to know that right, tall dark and quiet-as-shit?” “I am Agent Neptune.” The young man said, familiar monotone echoing in her head. “Heh, and I thought I was being original with the whole "Greek God" thing.” She smirked with a short laugh before stepping onto the ship because yeah, she didn't know where she was going and yes, she had very little knowledge of she was going to be doing but damn... ....whatever it was, it wasn't going to be boring.... (Editing and polishing of backstory, as well as weapon, courtesy of [@Kouki])