[hider=There might just be a character in here] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Jezebel [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b] Physical Appearance: [/b] [img] http://i11d.3djuegos.com/juegos/9946/ozombie/fotos/set/ozombie-2294532.jpg [/img] Jezebel is a small, fairly unassuming young woman, with rough yet pleasant features. She has a sort of pixie-like look to her, with long threads of coarse red hair, and an elfin face. Her spine has a slight curve to it, and her stomach is more pronounced than she’d like, which she tends to cover up with a corset. She is as well-dressed as one can be in the wastes of Koraha, and carries herself gracefully. [b]Bio:[/b] Jezebel hails from the lands East of Koraha, in a kingdom known as Nozaloth. The Morning Star Caliphate held dominion over the Eastern Provinces, which they used enforce barbaric and inhumane laws upon all those who fell beneath their jurisdiction. As the third born daughter of a small family, Jezebel was taken into the custody of the Sweet Graces, one of the Caliphate’s many orders, under Nozalothian laws. Jezebel was brought up to be well-spoken and complicit, as the Sweet Graces mentored her in the ways of the courtesan. Despite this, Jezebel’s rebellious nature often put her at odds with the matrons and the other girls, branding her as an outsider. When she turned fifteen, Jezebel escaped from the Graces’ Monastery, and slipped away into the night. She spent the next few years heading westwards, teaching herself the skills she needed to get by in this post-apocalyptic world. After spending some time as a bandit in the infamous Steeltongue Clan, Jezebel has found her way to Koraha, with no ambition other than to survive. [/center] [/hider]