Name: Worden Sauveterre Title: The Turtle Thaumaturge (Not an actual title, just a term of affection given by his father.) Age: 16 Gender: Male APPEARANCE [Hider=Worden][img][/img][/Hider] Height: 5' 10 Weight: 150 lbs Body Type: Slender Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown (again) PERSONALITY Hobbies: Tinkering, walking, and talking to Charlie. Strengths: Intelligent, optimistic, open-minded, and caring. Weaknesses: Socially inept, not the strongest physically, easily scared, and thinks too much. Quirks/Habits: Humming to himself whilst working, daydreams frequently, and talks too much. Outlook: Life is filled with knowledge and he's ready to take it. Likes: Turtles, chocolate, technology, smiling, reading, socializing, and positive people. Dislikes: Dogs, sadness, strawberries, apathy, negativity, and hurting people. Usual Demeanor: Quiet and contemplative, but when around people he likes, becomes a chatterbox and loves talking to people. He is difficult to anger and shuts down when people are angry at him. PAST Worden was abandoned as a child, probably due to the current conditions of the world. He was found and adopted by an old man whom he later called father. His life was pretty simple for a long time, growing up fairly safe in a village that was secured by the inventions of his father, Nicholas Sauveterre. Nicholas was an esteemed thaumaturge, capable of manipulating both magic and technology with a natural ease. Whilst many of the villagers were somewhat weary of magic, they all accepted Nicholas and were grateful for the protection he offered them. When Worden was adopted by Nicholas, he began an apprenticeship for the master technician. Nicholas knew very well that he would not live forever and that the little settlement he was looking after was going to need someone to protect it. Finding a child wandering through the woods alone was a sad sight but it gave him an idea. Perhaps raising a child around magic and technology would give him the aptitude for creation that Nicholas had when we was younger. So Worden grew up around these elements, learning their ways and following in his father's footsteps. He for sure wasn't the best but he managed to get by well, showing promise for his and the village's future. Present Now, Worden has undergone a great task for his father. When he turned sixteen, he ventured off into the world to find an ancient artifact, a ring that allowed the creator to better focus their mana and create more powerful and precise magics. Nicholas needs the artifact for a project that could very well serve their village amazingly. He has been trying to create sentience through magic. By infusing mana into machines that he created, he hopes to be able to create living creatures of great strength that can protect his home long after he has passed on from this world. Equipment Worden currently travels with an early prototype of his fathers creations, a large mechanical turtle whom he calls Charlie. Because Nicholas does not have the power that he thinks could create real thinking machines, Charlie does not actually have any sort of consciousness. More so he is like a large lumbering golem that simply obeys commands. This machine, though, has many uses. Its first and foremost use is that it stores large amounts of mana which Worden can channel into his weapons to improve their power. Secondly, it serves as storage for his many tools and supplies that he has brought with him. As he stands, Charlie is approximately the height of Worden's stomach. He moves slow and makes a lot of ruckus as he does so. The weapons that Worden channels mana into are a sword and shield. He has a chest piece attached to his heart that allows the mana from Charlie to flow into himself, thus giving him the power to infuse the mana into his weapons. Though, channeling mana from Charlie to provide the large amounts of power needed for his weapons has side effects. It drains the strength from Worden's body. Over time, using Charlie has reduced Worden's muscle mass and made him somewhat weaker. The shield he uses functions normally, serving as protection during combat. But when powered up, the shield gains a repelling aspect, violently knocking back any attacks that land on it, knocking Worden backwards as well whenever it is struck. The sword he uses is of medium length and isn't the sharpest on its own. When powered up, this weapon becomes extremely hot, allowing it to slices through many objects with ease. Though this has a backfire as well, like all magic. When Worden uses his mana to increase the temperature of the sword, the same mana heats up inside his own body, raising his core temperature very quickly. If he uses this ability too long, it could cause him to suffer from heat stroke and if prolonged, he could die.