[@Zetsuko] His partner shot one last time before rising from his position and nodding to Levente. He slowly got in the truck next to Levente and awaited for the driver to follow the rest of the soldiers. The atmosphere in the truck quickly became tense as half the soldiers inside were romanian and they weren't all that pleased with Hungary taking a chunk of their territory in 1940. They all glared at Levente and his partner, also hungarian of birth. The two german soldiers inside the truck could sense the tension, but chose to ignore it as they talked among themselves. One of the soldiers looked at Levente and spoke. "I bet you feel real well about yourself!" the soldier said, glaring at him. "You barely send any soldiers to the front and you get territory while we give it our all and you guys send a couple of soldiers and claim to help us!" The soldier barred his fist. Outside, the battle had just ended and the remaining russian soldiers were being gathered up and loaded into trucks. Most likely to be sent to a POW camp. Most of the soldiers in the camps complained that they wouldn't be able to fight and crush the Russians, however a few of them were breathing a sigh of relief as they didn't have to fight anymore.