[b]Character:[/b] Danielle Mason [b]Location:[/b] the Church of the Creator [b]With:[/b] ..... [i]"There's....t-there's something here..."[/i] [hr] That's it! She wasn't staying here any longer to find out! Whatever this...thing...was, she needed to get away from it and quick! This feeling overwhelming her, like sharp claws raking down her back, leaving her in a cold, shivering sweat, how uncomfortable and sickening it felt. Without a moment's notice, Danielle just turned on her heels and raced for the door. She tried to open, but...no.... No! It couldn't be! The door...it was locked...for good. Her hand, in the darkness she felt it grace metallic, rusty chains, something sticky and gross smelling coating them. Was it blood? It felt like it, but as she drew her hand back, she noticed the black, slimy substance. Then...it began to burn her hand like it was acid or some other corrosive substance. [i]"Agh!"[/i] She yelped at the searing pain, quickly brushing off this bizarre, burning liquid off onto her jacket, finally resorting to banging her fists on the door frantically and screaming for dear life, [i]"Help! Someone! Anyone, get me out of here! Please help me!"[/i] It was getting closer....she could feel it, the hunger it had for her, not for her flesh...but her very soul. [i]"Please! Someone fucking help me!!"[/i] But no voice replied from the other side, no force tried to jar the door open to free her from what would soon become her macabre and desolate tomb, her sepulcher of shadows. Death...it was all around her, the putrid scent of rotting flesh and graveyard soil penetrating her nostrils and forcing her to hold her breath. It was happening again. No...not now! Suddenly, the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zeeq2fYbfGY]siren[/url] started blaring in her ears, that wretched, horrific sound bringing her back to those horrible memories, her mother butchered and brutalized, the walls of burned, bleeding flesh and sinew...and...that creature. And just like before...now the church was shifting into nightmares. The chipped and cracked paint upon the walls peeled away like dead leaves in the bitter cold of autumn, revealing underneath rusted and blood spattered metal. The skies above, their demure shades of depressing grays instantly perverted into hellish reds and oranges, as if heaven was blazing with demonic fire, but that's not all she saw as her terrified eyes looked towards the ceiling. Bodies...hundreds of rotting corpses hanging by their necks from metal hooks, some in such grisly states of decay with bits of flesh dripping off their bones. The church...it was more of a cannibalistic butcher shop, dead bodies and instruments of horrific torture and mutilation everywhere....and it was about to get worse... [i]"T-this isn't real! No! It's not REAL!"[/i] Danielle panicked shutting her eyes, falling to her knees trembling. Her nightmares, reality before her very eyes. Then...it revealed itself. The skeletal being upon the cross, its hands and feet ripped away from the nails as it lurched and writhed with skin and muscle tissue growing back over its dry bones, an ear piercing screech of utter agony belting from its mouth full of sharp teeth, eyes, red and menacing, glowing in the deep shadows like the impending fires of Hell. Its twisted wings flourished, producing an icy gust of air that smelled of rigor mortis. Danielle...though she could not bring herself to, she looked upon the creature, it shambling towards her while screaming and flapping its ghastly wings. Then...it attacked!