[h1][color=6ecff6]Mars[/color][/h1] Mars' eyes widened as a young man approached and then immediately identified her. She let out a feral hiss, allowing the energy of her Dragonstone to transform her. Her muscles rippled, bones popped, and body twisted as white scales spread across her entire body. Feathered wings sprouted from her back as gold filigree appeared along her body, mounting her head in a point as her jaw twisted to become that of a dragon. Her claws clattered against the ground as she prepared to attack, narrowing her eyes into slits. If he was here to destroy her, so be it.. she would destroy him first. Though, before she could strike, the young man said something about Tiki. She had heard that name before. The nomadic tribe of Manakete had taught her about an ancient Manakete named Tiki.. she was someone of great power and prestige. He claimed he knew Tiki. Acting quickly as he bent to retrieve his books, Mars lashed out her tail, scooping a good portion of them beneath her body, curling around them protectively. [color=6ecff6]"I am Mars."[/color] she stated, her voice in dragon form was much louder than it was in human form. [color=6ecff6]"What do you know of Tiki?"[/color] She held his books close, not planning on returning them until she got her answer. Mars was a pretty good judge of character.. after living for a hundred years. These people didn't seem like Manakete hunters.. but one could never be too careful. For now.. she would remain in Divine Dragon form, as in this form, she could escape easier than in her smaller human form. She'd just have to smash through one of the windows, or use her Breath on one of the crumbling walls to create an escape route.