Coming up with my wind magic character, wind sure seems op once you have enough power to lift yourself and create cyclones. Brings flashbacks of the tournament character who could fly out of range of melee and deflect projectiles as well. Only the problem is that's realistic. I can't imagine someone can shoot a bullet through a tornado and have it stay true, even if the size is smaller scale then normal tornados by a lot, like fitting within a hippo. You can still kill him with superpowers and dropping tanks on him, but it seems to eliminate no powered people from having a chance unless they catch him unawares or in a weakened state. This problem seems hard to solve unless he's just banned from tournaments where characters aren't expected to have the power to long range punch through tornados. I'd probably use other characters anyways. I'm good at having character personalities screw themselves over so he could be arrogant and fly down to fight on the ground, but that hand wave could get annoying after a while.