Tamlin groaned, allowing the other male to pull him up. His head was swimming, along with his vision as he tried to keep from passing out. "My stomach." His answer was more of a grunt than him really using his voice, but he didn't care about that. All that mattered was- "No hospital. Please." He slumped down into the passenger seat, a moan of pain escaping from his lips. His eyes closed as he tried to keep from crying out at the pain, or passing out. As he felt the other male lifting his shirt, he cried out as the fabric shirt pulled at his skin. His breathing was ragged, labored, as he opened his eyes to look at the other male. "I swear, it's not as bad as it looks." It was a lie, of course, but Tamlin couldn't risk being taken to the hospital. He needed to make sure he ended up somewhere without doctors, without constant supervision, since he couldn't get back to his house. Tamlin's hand shook as he reached out, touching the other male's shoulder. "Thank you. Please- not the hospital." With that, his hand dropped, and his eyes fell closed. He was out cold.