[quote=@Obscene Symphony] That type is actually future tense, which I understand if they're [i]denoting future actions.[/i] But writing shit like "Time walks across the road" especially when EVERYONE ELSE is writing in past tense is just painful to read. First person as well. Unbearable in any case, but in RP? It's just stupid! [/quote] "Tim would walk across the road, and he would go into the cafe. He would sit himself at a stool, and he would order a coffee from the waitress. The waitress would smile at Tim and nod, and she would get him his coffee. Meanwhile, Tim would pick up a news paper and he would read the sports section." And you're all o.0 .... "So has Tim done all this stuff? Or is he going to do all this stuff in the near future?" It causes problems because poor old Tim looks like he's operating outside of time (other characters, as you say, using past tense), but in all occurrences of this, it turns out that the writer actually meant present/past tense. I dunno, I can work with people using first person and present tense, but future tense really F's up the continuity of an RP. It's hard to interact with a character that "would", as opposed to those that "did" and "are doing".