[quote=@Zapdos] [@CloudyBlueDay] Given the choice, I would rather play a hero. I have an idea for a hero that might work, but the power's a somewhat unusual idea I have and I need to do some work for an online class that's due tonight, so I need to finish that up first. Maybe you can send me a PM or I could send you a PM and we could discuss it a bit? I'm not entirely sure if the power I'm thinking of would be overpowered, underpowered, or even feasible. I could do something more conventional too, I would just need to think of an alternative idea in that case. Sorry if I'm vague here, I just wanted to write this quickly so I could resume working without leaving you hanging. [/quote] Though I don't think I can accept you now, I was wondering what role you might prefer if I ever do accept again. If you want to talk about powers you can shoot me a PM, but I don't think I'll be accepting any new people until the end of the Umbra arc. ^^