Tabe struggled to hide his growing frustration as he, and the vehicle hauling "Rascal" were pulled over for a "Random" check. The rent-a-cop guards taking their time to sweep the two vehicles, and double checking his credentials. "Why are you here, Mr. Tabe" the guard in front of him asked, flipping Tabe's I.D. over repeatedly, as if the hologram field would suddenly peel away. "I was hired, likely by someone superior to the ones that hired you" Tabe growled. He had been at the rear gate for at least 20 mins as these jackoffs kept checking the contents of his gear. They didn't like the fact that he had his firearms, nor the fact that he had a fully functional FRAME. "Now, in running late due to your incompetence, can we hurry this up?" The guard bristled. "Hey James! double check the undercarriage!, can’t be too safe!" "Yes, flex your muscles at the mercenary with an operational combat FRAME, I'm sure that won’t backfire." Tabe said flatly, as he leaned against his vehicle. After a few more minutes of chest puffing and arguing, Tabe entered the base, and once greeted by a small escort, lead to the [i]Samigigna[/i] where he left Rascal to the technicians, and climbed aboard with his gear. Making a bee-line to the C.O.s office. He was late. Moments later Tabe ran into Cecilia, noticing the insignia on her lapels, he stopped and set his bags into a nearby alcove. “Excuse me ma’am, Tabe Nawlin reporting as ordered, I was held up by the security checkpoint.”