Whelp, it's late on my end so I'm just going to leave my son here in a WIP state. [hr] [hider=Neptune, WIP][hider][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/6978/i/2015/185/3/d/shark_attack__by_nakanoart-d8zvx35.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Name:[/b]Neptune[/u] [u][b]Age:[/b] 18[/u] [u][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/u] [u][b]Animal:[/b] Great White[/u] [u][b]Height:[/b] 6'6[/u] [u][b]Hair Color:[/b]Bluish black[/u] [u][b]Eye Color:[/b] Orange, but can turn black when...agitated[/u] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [u]Sweetheart: You wouldn’t know by looking at him but Neptune is an absolute sweetheart who would rather just hang around a campfire and cook fish than deal with all this surfacer mumbo jumbo. It really only takes a couple of minutes of talking with him to realize that he is pretty much harmless and just really wants to get this whole thing over with.[/u] [u]Gentle Giant: Neptune is very much aware of his appearance and the fear it can cause. Because of this he has made it his personal mission to be as non threatening as possible, making him more approachable but coming with the effect of making him a bit of a pushover. Bullies could easily pick up on this behavior and capitalize on it. God forbid someone push him too far however.[/u] [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] (Should be between 1~2 paragraph... Make sure to include;) - What sort of town/village your character originates from. - How people in the town perceived your character. - Any significant event/s that occurred that led to the above perception. - Why your character is being sent to the Academy - How your character feels towards humans. - What are your characters aspiration when they graduate. [/hider]