[quote]Regardless, now that I'm aware the reboot is happening, I will be present. That being said, I'm in the process of applying to grad school plus regular school, plus my ex-life partner somewhat recently became my ex-life partner, PLUS one of my best friends is recovering from her recent heroin addiction and I'm the only person who knows about that sooooooooo...[/quote] Well shit dude. Hope it's all going well for you and it's great to see you over here. :) [quote]WUBALUBADUBDUB!!![/quote] But seriously dude I sometimes actually do shout wubalubadubdub if I'm with people that don't get the reference, but I do, so I hope you're actually good. [quote=@AuntFlavia]Thanks for the awesome story, buddy ol' pal (though it was probably much less awesome to experience)[/quote] Shortly afterwards went to a different bar with fewer psychos in there. It was uncanny how the power-plays paralleled each other, though. I basically thought I'd made a scenery-chewing monster that couldn't possibly actually exist except no - some of god's creatures really are that unbelievably awful.