[hider=Alex] [quote=@Experiment 249] [hider=Don't sweat the small things] Name: Alexander Forsythe. Epithet(s): Venom, The Itch. Age: 16 School Year: Second Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://i.imgur.com/MK2KcVO.png[/img] Nationality: Australian Personality: Alexander is reserved, but not shy. He enjoys being in the company of many others at a time but just doesn't speak his mind all that often, and when he does it's generally nice thing or a compliment, nothing dirty or rude for the most part. He doesn't have the world's standards when it comes to personal space. He's not going to invade someone's space just willy nilly and he's not super touch but if someone is in the way of something or somewhere he won't consider their happiness in getting that thing or reaching that place. He's a very studious boy on top of all of this, however all of his interests seem to be in one subject, entomology and biology in general. He's constantly studying bugs and other poisonous animals, the majority happen to be reptiles and insects/arachnids so they take most of his time. Amphibians are ok too, I guess. Bio: Alexander Forsythe, son of the Australian conservationist Louis Forsythe and his wife Amelia Forsythe, he was raised in a home on a wildlife reserve. Growing up so close to animals and bugs and birds it was all an exciting experience, albeit a dirty one. He was comfortable walking up to snakes, picking up spiders and bugs and letting them crawl on him and after hundreds of bites and several hospital visits, he has built up a minor tolerance to most toxins produced by the fauna of Australia. He wasn't scouted for the academy or anything until his school science fair where he brought a jar of live wasps into a school auditorium to display how their venom affects people, complete with other insects for comparison. Some even deadly, like the northern funnel web spider, apparently able to kill within 2 minutes of a bite. Yet there he was, alive and with a selection of live, deadly insects. His love of bugs quickly spread away from just the creepy crawly and got to the scaley sort as well. Snakes were amazing as they were a bit more resilient than bugs and could REACH for a kill. He watched them choke, bit and swallow prey, even other snakes. These guys were the tipping point of whether or not he would be approached by the academy and his parents were persuaded very easily. With an assassin who was a fan of nature like Alexander, all of the ideas his father had could find less resistance in the Australian parliament if whenever someone voted to destroy the environment they'd seem to have mother nature herself take them out. And so they shipped him out to Russia with just a few terrariums, some bugs and a snake. His first year was uneventful, other than almost flunking every class other than poisons and biology. He also failed to impress at the dummy test, it was hard to poison something that didn't bleed. Nevertheless he made a few friends and a few of them have even had the right to play with his brown snake, Bomb. Bomb was banned from being removed from his enclosure unless given permission from a teacher or other faculty member, and that was fairly rare, not having happened yet. One student gets bit and everyone freaks out. Weapon: Darts dipped in various venoms and poisons extracted from bugs and snakes, and occasionally frogs but rarely. Letting a deadly bug or snake into a locked room counts as a weapon I suppose. Equipment: Jars with perforated lids Gardening gloves Vials of various venoms/antivenoms and very rarely poisons/antidotes Backup weapon- A kinda biggish knife Vials of various phermones. Skills: Extensive knowledge of insects, arachnids and reptiles Whittling, it passes the time Decent aim, can't hit a target from a mile away but can score pretty well in darts. Can play the drums and most other percussion instruments Strangely good at predicting the weather Okay with a knife, he's not winning any contests with one Stealth is his second strongest skill, behind the first one listed Talents: Nope! Other: While at school he can't exactly have the bugs and snakes he'd like, but when on missions I'm assuming they'd supply him with what he would need. [/hider] Edit: White background, but pic is right size now [/quote] [/hider] I think he may be okay, but I want Vocab to get off his lazy butt to give his opinion on this character.