[img]http://www.shojiretreats.com/uploads/3/0/7/8/30787913/5750183.png?262[/img] [hr][center][COLOR=#CC6600]P L O T[/COLOR][/center] [center]Lazulis. It is as beautiful as it is in the storybooks. However, after a huge war that took place that took million of lives and creatures. It ended in a peace treaty that no one is happy about. No one won and no one lost. The friction between the different creatures are as cold as ever and ignoring or starting fights with others is too common. Humans, whom are constantly wearing gas mask, struggle to survive from the growing pollution and the extreme nuclear wars. Their place, Earth, is now crumbling from the constant rippling wars taking place throughout the world. Soon, even the very air they breathe have now become toxic to their health. The old and young started to die off, and the rest, forgetting about war, struggle to find a way to keep their species alive. Desperate to find a new place to live they conveniently stumble upon the world of Lazulis, the magical land of mythical creatures. Finding this haven, filled with abundant amount of trees, multiple flowing rivers, and fresh clean air they decide to take over and colonize. Only sending a special few to scout out the area and to initiate the colonization, they start tearing down trees, homes of many, polluting waters, and tearing up Lazulis for the needs of their own. Humans are determined to eliminate anything in their way, even if it means destroying Lazulis. The mythical creatures who reside in Lazulis have to overcome their own coldness to each other and band together to get rid of the humans from destroying their home. This, is now a war between humans and mythical creatures. [u]How it will start:[/u] Creatures: You can start from whenever really lol. Talk about your background and stuff. Humans: They are on a ship and are already in the world of Lazulis and then the ship will crash. [/center][hr] [center][img]http://cs417025.vk.me/v417025579/b5d/tCFoDyYH6mI.jpg[/img][/center] [LIST] [*]Please write at least 1-2 paragraphs [i]minimum[/i]. I'd like this RP to be around high-casual. [*]May play as a mythical creature or a human [*]Want around maybe 3-4 people [*]May have romance in it <3 [/LIST] [center][hider=Character Sheets] Appearance _ [Art pls] Name _ Age _ Race _ Sexuality_ Skills_ Personality (Can be vague)_ History (Optional)_ Other (Optional)_[/hider][/center][hr] [right][img]https://nebula.wsimg.com/dbdca09c98d10fd01a6f118d825de5de?AccessKeyId=767372B643F65CB5506F&disposition=0&alloworigin=1[/img][/right] [center]*You can ask me as many questions as you want* Made this for a friend to get comfortable on this site. Be nice pls~[/center]