Trying to get new blood adjusted to the site? Nothing wrong with that. Been meaning to take part in a RP like this at some point. Appearance _ [hider=In Uniform] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Out of Uniform] [img][/img] [/hider] [h3][color=004b80]"[i]I'm sorry it came to this. If there is a chance for peace then i'm sure that we'll explore it, but until then it's us or you.[/i]"[/color][/h3] Name _ Dimitri Collins Age _31 Race _Human Sexuality_ Heterosexual Skills_ [list] [*]CQC adept: Dimitri is a brutally efficient and highly adaptable fighter when it comes to a physical brawl after having been trained to use mixed martial arts during his time serving as a soldier back on earth [*]Fire arm proficiency: Dimitri is experienced in the usage and maintenance of several different types of firearms. [*]Survivalist: Being from earth, Dimitri is accustomed to having to eek out a living in terrible conditions. He can get by on little sustenance and rest, though his performance gradually suffers as time goes on. [*]Basic Medical knowledge: Like many soldiers Dimitri is trained in basic first aid; He can make a splint, set a bone, and suture/bind minor wounds. In the end however he's still not a replacement for an actual medical practitioner [/list] Personality (Can be vague)_ A tired and somewhat paranoid and depressed man worn down both mentally and physically from his time spent on earth. Dimitri is a quiet and reserved man who, despite not really minding being in the company of others, often prefers to keep to himself during his down time. In spite of his generally inoffensive nature, Dimitri is a soldier first and foremost and will carry out any orders he receives with little to no complaints or hesitation. History (Optional)_ There isn't really a lot to say about Dimitri: He grew up on the war ravaged planet Earth and was drafted into the armed forces once he reached eighteen, serving as active duty until he reached the age of twenty five. For the next few years Dimitri tried to reintegrate himself into civilian society as best he could, however the time he spent in the service had changed him. He'd become paranoid it increasingly difficult to hold down a job and relate to any of his peers. For a while Dimitri began to believe that his only option was to reenlist and risk being thrown into yet another series of fire fights, sleepless nights spent wondering if he'd ever live to see the next day. It was with the discovery and attempt at colonization of the planet Lazulis that Dimitri's beliefs changed. Thinking that he would, at most, be protecting colonists from the local wildlife while they worked, Dimitri signed up for a security detail and was shipped out on one of the first scouting ships. It all seemed to be looking up for Dimitri until the ship crashed... Other (Optional)_ Dimitri is a chronic smoker, a habit he picked up around his third year of service. Whenever that helmet comes off you can expect a cigarette or a cigar to be making an appearance soon.