Dimitri, the jovial monk had been eyeing some pastries of his own but he quickly examined what he had in his hands and scrunched his face up before tossing it to the side of the table after seeing Herbert's reaction to the food he had finished eating. Maybe they had poisoned the food? Perhaps they hadn't. Herbert had seemed a bit out of the ordinary since they first met but the older man was one of the only faces the monk recognized in the assembly and once Herbert started acting more peculiar then stumbled out of the room it did not take Dimitri long to rise to his feet and follow after him. He pushed past the man accompanied by a strange glowing ball and as his arm brushed up against the ball of energy he paused for a moment, feeling a strange surge resonate through his arm but he didn't take too much consideration for the moment, quickly brushing past the younger lass standing with them and arriving out in the hallway just in time to see Herbert retching then clamber to the floor. Herbert was drenched in sweat but he was still breathing, though his breath was raspy and the man seemed feverish. Hopefully he had just fainted but Dimitri was no doctor the monk knelt beside him. "Come one old timer. you didn't make it through that damn blizzard and a fiery dragon just to be taken down by a mere pastry" he commented aloud, shaking the prone form of Herbert gently. Dimitri supposed he could attempt to heal the man, but there were no visible injuries so it was either something internal, or some kind of mental issue, maybe just stressed. The dragon had been no strange sight for Dimitri, nor the harsh environment of those mountains but the towering monk could understand how such things could be overwhelming for someone who was not accustomed to such things. Not to mention all that alk of death and cults it was enough to make anyone cringe. "Maybe someone should get a doctor of some sort?" he called over his shoulder towards the meeting room. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dayna It had taken her a while to calm down, but as promised by Winston, once she was reasonably calm, he let her out of the prison. She could feel a familiar energy signature encompassing the whole area, and it was significant. As she hovered slowly behind Winston half listening to him muttering on about Earth again she focused on that energy, and felt some characteristics of water pulsing through it. Dayna suddenly shot past Winston, catching him a bit off guard as she floated up to his eye level forcing the man to stop for a moment. "Hey Winston, are we near water?" she asked excitedly, "I can feel it but it feels different then what I'm used to. "As a matter of fact, we are! We're actually under the water!" this comment puzzled The ball of energy for a moment and her mind flooded with a thousand other questions to ask be she refrained from asking. "You earth creatures really are quite fascinating!, Being able to be under the water without getting wet! Who would have thought." "Have you no houses or anything where you come from Dayna?" "No. I mean I sleep in a cave sometimes but, I guess I never decided that I needed this house thing you speak of. The thought of being separated from how the rains feel or being unable to feel the wind does not sit well with me." Winston chuckled to himself, This creature was indeed a puzzle. The whole idea of an elemental plane fascinated him. "Does every element have a distinct feeling to you Dayna?" "What kind of silly question is that? Of course they do. They all have a unique energy signature." "I see!" Winston replied "No, you can not see it. You're a Winston creature." she stated matter of factually. "Not like me, or other Sentenients. I mean you can feel the wetness of the water sure, and the heat from the flames. You can even feel the wind as it caresses your face, but you can not actually feel its true nature. "That's not what I meant" he added flatly with a sigh. "Well maybe you should be more specific with what you mean! Your language seems so guttural at times." The two proceeded to the meeting in silence, but Winston could not help smiling to himself. There were all sorts of other creatures gathered at the meeting, most looking similar to Winston's species some more slender and curvy. Their energies varied quite a lot though and several were consuming things as they waited. It was safe to say Dayna felt a bit flustered when the others took notice of her. she could see that she was one of the strangest beings gathered there after all. A slender looking version of Winston's species moved over to him once they entered the room, and Dayna looked at the new comer curiously; slowly spiraling around her. "Why do you have humps and bumps and curves where Winston does not?" she asked Mallaidh, altering her form slightly so that a portion of it slowly extended towards Mallaidh's chest. "They are kind of small, but they are there none the less and they look strangely firm. He is even flatter in that area though. How fascinating" she finished. The one called Twain briefed them all of what had happened, but soon after the meeting commenced two of the others suddenly left. A feeble looking hunched over one, and a towering giant who rudely pushed past her.