[hider=Nicoletta][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/uhUKM2K.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhBewKu80Mg][color=sandybrown][h3]"You gotta get your kicks while you can...sittin on your own, what a lovely day to be lonely."[/h3][/color][/url] [h3][u][color=sandybrown][b]Nicoletta Soriano || 17 || Lesbian[/b][/color][/u][/h3] [u][color=sandybrown]Personality[/color][/u] It's rare to see Nicoletta without a smile. It's even more rare to see her without a gaggle of people around her, chattering about the latest news from the hottest gossip rag. However, when Nicoletta smiles it never seems to be out of genuine joy, and she only ever appears to contribute to conversations amongst her supposed peers in the vaguest manner possible. She's one of the popular crowd by virtue of the most shallow reasons possible and she knows that but sees no reason why she can't take advantage of that while it lasts. By playing along and acting like one of the in crowd she has built a solid reputation for herself as both intimidating and flirtatious, though Nicoletta has never acted on her playful little antics. In her mind, Nicoletta doesn't belong with the in crowd, sharing none of their interests and hating that she's constantly coming off as a bratty, spoiled little girl. She wants to just be herself, but that's become harder and harder as she isn't quite sure who she is or what she wants...only that she doesn't want to suffer more talk over who's hooking up with who and who made the cover of this month's issue. [u][color=sandybrown]History[/color][/u] Nicoletta was born outside of the country, coming over with family when she was a child due to her papa inheriting his brother's failed venture: a fine dining Italian restaurant in the heart of the city. Her papa, being much more skilled at management, managed to turn the restaurant around and into something that requires reservations in advance. Nicoletta was left to her own devices during this lengthy renovation process as her papa seemed to care more about raising the business' reputation than raising his daughter. Once the restaurant was something of a hot spot for more illustrious clientele, Nicoletta found her own stock rising among the students at school all looking for a way 'in'. The weird, daydreaming, doodling, heavily accented girl in the back of the class was now suddenly invited to all the birthday parties and being taken out on various trips to various local joints. Her papa wants to keep the family business going. Nicoletta doesn't know what she wants, but she does know that people's expectations of her have been consistently dragging her around for years now. [color=sandybrown][u]Other[/u][/color] -Nicoletta has yet to reveal her orientation to anyone -She is on the cheerleading squad but shows little affection for it. It was just what she thought she was 'supposed' to do. -Is quite the superfan of tennis but didn't make the team...because she missed tryouts to be dragged to cheerleading. Whatever, tennis is stupid anyway.[/center][/hider]