[center][hider=Serena] Appearance _ [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/2afe/i/2012/077/4/7/water_nymph_by_kseniaharlequin-d4t50dt.jpg[/img] Name _ Serena Age _ Unknown as she does not age and will live for as long as her river does Race _ Naiad (Water Nymph) Sexuality _ Pansexual Skills _ Serena can breathe underwater and swim extremely well, better than any human. And she has a beautiful voice, when she sings it becomes more difficult to resist her suggestions. Strong-minded individuals or those that realize what is happening can negate this effect, but they must still at least listen to what she is saying at the time. However, any effect her singing has will disappear if she is made angry. Unlike most Naiads, Serena has taken to carrying weapons. This is a habit she picked up when the creatures of Lazulis were prone to attempting to destroy one another, and she just never dropped it. She wields two long, silver daggers with deadly precision when need be. She originally taught herself how to use them, but the constant threat of death helped her to hone her skills against others until a troubled peace was agreed upon. Personality _ Serena is generally a calm individual, as is characteristic of a Naiad. She keeps mostly to herself, relying only on her sister, Helena, if she needs anything. Serena shares less of a connection with the other Naiads than many think she should, others think it is because of her darker nature. For whatever reason, she prefers to be alone most of the time and doesn't really care what anyone else thinks of her. She stays by her river a majority of the time, but will occasionally leave it for a day or two if she needs something. The longer she is away from her river, the more anxious she becomes. When she is anxious, her voice often fails her, and her skills in general get worse. If she is away for more than a few days, she will begin to get sick. It will not kill her to be separated from her river for extended periods of time, but depending on the length of time she may wish for death. Eventually she will lose the energy and will to move and the only way to get back to her river would be for someone to take her there. It is difficult to make her angry, but when her anger is provoked, she gains a bloodlust that is rivaled by few of any species. When in this state, it can take quite a while before she can regain control of herself, and she will not stop otherwise unless her target is destroyed. If she regains control before she kills anyone, she can stop her rampage, but oftentimes she will also attack anyone who gets in her way, and it becomes harder for her to control herself as she does more harm to other individuals. History _ Serena was born when the rivers of Lazulis were formed, and she will live until those rivers are destroyed. She had four sisters, all residing in their own rivers, which flowed into the lake where their mother lived. Over the centuries, their mother had become mute and isolationist, as many older lake Naiads tend to do in order to preserve their lakes for as long as possible. However, the sisters were lively and shared a tight bond. Unfortunately, dissension does not look kindly upon families. Naiads were not made for fighting, so it is easy to see why three of Serena's sisters were killed in the chaos of the war long past. Devastated by the loss of her sisters, and determined to keep Helena safe, Serena took up arms against the other creatures. During this time, perhaps because the loss of her sisters had affected her so deeply, she developed her bloodlust. She did not fight it, and eventually it got out of control. When Serena saw what she'd done during her moments of rage, she began working to control it, but she has still not perfected this yet. Once the war ended, she was mostly relieved. She had kept her sister and her mother safe, the lake and their two rivers would remain. However, there was a part of her that missed it. She longed for the thrill of a fight, the knowledge that she was the only one who could prevent her death. She did not know that her secret, subconscious wish would be fulfilled. Serena was born with the rivers, and she would die with the rivers. If her river was poisoned, she would be as well, and vice versa. She has done everything possible to keep her river alive, and she will continue to do so until she dies. [/hider] [/center]