[center] [b]Name[/b]: Ryan Blackburn/Codename: Rais (pronounced rize) [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Power[/b]: [u]Property Absorption[/u] Ryan can absorb the properties of the materials, whether liquid or solid, without transforming into the material. He can expel the material in whatever form he pleases (i.e. if he absorbs a concrete based propety, he can shoot concrete blocks/slabs/whatever). However, he will gain the negative weaknesses of the material he absorbs. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Ryan's Appearance] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/04d9/f/2013/278/9/f/red_scarf_by_hatsukochan-d6pe7cx.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Bio[/b]: Not much is known about Ryan's past. Ryan doesn't even know himself. All he knows so far is that when he was younger, around five or six, he fell and hit his head. When he hit his head, he activated his property manipulation. His parents were horrified, as they watched him play with his power dangerously. Ryan would absorb rocks and launch rocks everywhere. As Ryan grew up, his parents strictly forbid him from showing his powers to people. One day he disobeyed this rule when he turned 18. Ryan was robbed in an alley. He had no plan B, so he absorbed metal off of a metal barrel nearby. He then made a metal pole and fought back. This attracted police attention. He was then sent to the place that would be known as the Experimental Army Program. [/center]