Dain nodded at the captain and took the key, oblivious to his suspicion; though doubt was already swimming through his mind. Was telling the captain really the best idea? After all, most people in Azure Strand dislike the Knights for all the discomfort they have caused. Not that the fairy knew anything about the situation other than the martial law they instigated. He didn't like the idea of martial law, but following the rules was something he found important. If the ones the Knights were trying to catch were causing the towns people harm, he was all for it. Something nagged at him, though, at the back of his mind... He shook his head, that was silly. It had to be. Dain remained atop the crates as the boat cast off. He watched as the town slowly faded out, replaced by the blue of the ocean. It was frightening, leaving land for the first time. A grimace formed on his face as any chance to change his mind slipped away. No turning back now. Still, despite the bustle of the ship, the gentle rocking was somehow calming. It wasn't unlike the sway of a tree branch in a breeze. Once the town completely disappeared, he decided to go check out his cabin. Wherever that was. The captain had no time to show a single passenger around. He was on his own! A small adventure around the ship! Since he was so small, he wouldn't get in anyones way. Probably. Taking a look around, it seemed like there was only one way to go. Dain picked up his trunk and flew down toward the opening. All this flying was really starting to wear him out. The weight of his armor was also taking its toll on him. [color=ed1c24]"Got to find my room here soon or I'll be sleeping on the deck."[/color] he mumbled the words to himself, and continued onward. It didn't take long for the fairy to become lost. Following what seemed like eternity, he happened upon a merchant. After asking about the cabins and many polite refusals to purchase his wares, the merchant gave Dain directions. Once he had followed them, he realized that he had passed his cabin, not once, but twice! Some Knight he was. By now, he was absolutely exhausted. After a small amount of trouble opening the lock, the fairy finally entered his room. Dain's first thought had been to simply get into the bed and fall asleep, but his Knightly senses kicked in. First things first: he had to hide his armor and maybe get something to eat. Flying most of the day had left him famished. After a quick look around, he picked an out-of-the-way spot he hoped no one would look. There was a shelf off to the left side; it held little more than a candle and a mug someone must have forgotten when they inspected the space. He had no idea how his lockbox would move with the rocking of the boat, but it was a good temporary hiding place. He flew up to the shelf and positioned the trunk next to the candle and scooted the mug over to the other side. Hopefully no one would see it. Once he was satisfied that he had secured his belongings, Dain took a drink out of his water skin. The cool liquid felt nice as it flowed down his now dry throat. It gave him a little extra strength and he floated down to the bowl of food on the table next to his bed. A nice tug tore a piece of bread free from the giant loaf he was given. He would not be able to eat all of this. Did the Knights really only supply him with human sized food? He figured that there must not have been any fairy bakeries in Azure Strand to send him this. Perhaps he could work something out with the captain. There was no need to be wasteful. The captain! Dain had forgotten that he was going to meet with the man later that evening. He was the one who suggested it; how could he forget?! It was still early though. [color=ed1c24]"I should get some rest while I still can. All this flying can't be healthy."[/color] He was a fairy who enjoyed walking, only flying when he had to. The preference to walk came from how different he was to the other fairies. While they all had pretty, whimsical wings that sparkled as they flew, he had these. He flexed his wings, showing the bright red pattern on his otherwise dark colored appendages. No one ever made a fuss about it, but he always felt a little bit... alone. Dain shook his head again, it was no time to be thinking about these things. He could ponder the strangeness of his wings another time. Why did he always get thoughtful when he was tired? He really didn't know. He yawned; this entire journey really took it out of him. He made a mental note to start flying more so it wouldn't be such a hassle. With the last of his strength, the tiny being drifted to the bed and settled down. It didn't take long for him to pass out.