Leo looked at Merlin and all the troublesome student causing a ruckus as he glared at them all. [color=f26522]"Well I can't write with all this fuc-damn racket."[/color] Leo said trying to not curse in front of his sister but he was too annoyance to articulate any better. [@KatherinWinter] [color=f26522]"Have a pen and paper?"[/color] Leo asked figuring she'd be the easiest to ask, also hating using pencils. As he took of his gauntlets and set them in the chair he was sitting in, and watched the bickering between the students and teacher. Leo glared at them both.[color=f26522] "Glad they're not talking to me, I'd likely break them to pieces."[/color] Leo said not really minding how loud he was speaking finding their threats quite obnoxious. Jay continued to write, not even really paying attention anymore apathetic to the situation, as he had almost finished his paper. But when he looked up, he noticed Leo and his red hooded shirt as he stared at him for a while. Inigo was quite enjoying the drama unfolding, only wishing he had something to eat. As he noticed Jay staring, looking up from writing. [color=aba000]"Hmm? What you look at Jay?"[/color] He asked. [color=007236]"That-guy was the guy who almost knocked me over..."[/color] Jay muttered to Inigo as he set his book down.