[@Framing A Moose][@Demonic Angel][@KatherinWinter] The pain was too great for her to react to the snide and cheeky demeanor of the sea witch, treating her like nothing more than a mangy mutt meant to be put down. Such disgrace and humiliation upon her to be in this vulnerable state. The pain had subsided shortly but the damage inflicted was far too merciless. His image was burned into her retinas, the snarling, vicious demon with wings black as the night absent its stars and Hecate's moon above, soaring down from his perch atop that black, ominous crag known as Bald Mountain, sweeping over the villages and dark, thorn ridden forests with Hellfire and cackling demons at his beckoned call as he soared with Lucifer's vengeance to strike down the pitiful whelp, the shame of the family that was his flesh and blood, his daughter who refused to follow his strict command and become his successor. Oh how she could already feel his claws like knives into her back, slicing and cleaving away layer after layer of flesh and sinew until only the bleached white bone of her skeleton remained, soon to be charred black in the flames of eternal damnation. All while her mother, the true dragon lady, scoffed at her and called her a [i][color=a187be]little beastie[/color][/i], such a degrading title. And that in itself was a fear like no other for Evelyn. The torment had receded...for now. Evelyn figured for every chance she lashed out at someone, be it a teacher or a student, the curse would take its toll on her, until she was sent packing back to those unforgiving lands to face the wrath of her despicable parents. She cursed in a heated sigh, standing on wobbling legs and trudging back to her desk. In a mere act of defiance, she just ripped the quill pen away from Axel's side and a leaf of parchment from Lorane's, muttering to herself as feverishly she began to write the wizard's stupid essay.