[@Sleeth] I have one of the characters i'm planning to play already uploaded on this site in my "Chasm of Souls" in the character sheet section. See "Itsuka Valors" I might just play Itsuka since we have so many people willing to join and I don't have any of the other characters from this story because if i'm going to turn this into a roleplay, I gander that I better let people make their own characters. For conveniences sake, i'll leave Itsuka here for you. [quote]Name- Itsuka Valors Male Twenty-Three Hair color- Chestnut Brown Hairstyle- thick and together Beard- Stubble Height-5'7-5'8 Weight-162 Personality Traits- Quick-thinker, Quiet, Loner, Strong-Willed Extras* Usual Occupation- Detective Clothing Style- Suits and Slacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [/quote]