[@Ciphra] I remember you... Vaguely. And I remember that KG! Vaguely. It sounds familiar. I know we've played some Naruto-stuff together, but a quick run through the games in my subs-list hasn't turned up anything tangible. If you can find that character I would very much appreciate it as I seem to have gotten stuck and is now going around in circles... Anyway, we gladly accept new players. If you've read the thread so far you'll see that we have... Only one approved character, so there is still time to jump in and be apart of the game from the start. I think everyone has at least posted a WIP, so you can get a picture of what we already have going for us. Not that we can't double up on stuff of course. As GM of this game I officially abstain from voting on your character-thingy. This way I can claim that I let my players have a say in what goes on, and can heckle people about the disaster they are about to bring.