[quote=@Bishop] [@Halvtand] What do you think about a water clone jutsu that freezes the opponent after it explodes or burns them with hot water(basically change the temp. of the water that the clone is made of and make the clone explode if the user wills it) And basically my character will have the ability to change the temperature of the water even up to the point to change it's form enhancing moves like "Water Bullet". [/quote] My first thought is that its seems like a fine ability. However you would need some kind of "root" of this ability that explains it. Other players would for instance combine the water element with air and/or fire to create the ice and steam elements, but I assume that you're not after new elements but rather an ability to alter temperature, correct? If so I would like to know how this ability is similar or different from the elemental chakra GKs? And also if this ability is considered a KG in itself, or a hijutsu-technique, or some other form of ability? tl;dr - I like it, please elaborate.