[center][h3][color=red]Playing with Fire[/color][/h3][/center] [center][i]Kaela, Sir Henry Bleakwind[/i][/center] [center][b]Day 3, Evening[/b][/center] Finishing the drink in a single go the massive Warden turned and looked at Necro. “You should try the Daggerfall Firewater.” The Ex-Warden’s eyes were oddly clear given that he’d sat down to drink at the bar quite some time ago. “If you think this is milk then you should be good with that stuff. Kaela seems to love it for some reason.” Taking another mug from the bartender Sir Bleakwind turned and looked Necro up and down. It was clear that while he didn’t look it Henry was rather inebriated. “As for your apparent need to out drink me I doubt that is even possible. There is only one person I’ve ever encountered who could out drink me and she is also capable of out drinking Death itself so I don’t mind that one.” The second mug went down just as smooth as the first one. Two more quickly followed. Shifting in his armor Henry turned to scan the deck of Blackwing; it had dawned on him that he hadn’t seen his charge in a while. That and something was else that seemed to be agitating him. Henry couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Turning fully around he started to search for his charge it was apparent that Necro hadn’t fully engaged him. [hr] Turning from her drink the blonde haired witch took in the tall dark haired man who had approached her. With a delicate hand she took Levi’s hand. “Kaela, how do you do”. With a shift Kaela crossed her legs and picked up her drink in her right hand. “Impressive observation, it was a gift actually. I thought it was appropriate though.” Her grey eyes seemed to laugh at Levi as she took a delicate sip of her drink shifting again causing her cleavage to shift as well in her dress which had been selected exactly for how it presented her impressive chest and well curved hips. This was going to be fun. The fool had no clue who she was and was walking right into the trap that all of the new Knights inevitably fell into. The distinct lack of men around her should have been an obvious clue that something was a bit off but it was too late now. The spider had another fly to play with in her web. “So tell me; what do you do for the Tower? I don’t think I’ve ever encountered you before.” Turning to her left she leaned her head onto her hand as she propped it on the table and tucked her right arm under her breasts causing them to be pushed even further forward while she sat her glass on the table before leaning forward and giving him a coy interested smile.