[quote=@FacePunch] I want to see Icarus and Iron Knight go at it. Who's the better tech genius and all that. [/quote] It will be a battle to see who can keep the "Daedalus" name for their armor. :hehe [quote=@nitemare shape] I want to see Radiance and Arachne team up. Because.....reasons. [/quote] OH GOD NO! [quote=@Fallenreaper] Arachne, Justine & Pendragon: Their personalities would make interesting interactions really. Iron Knight & Icarus: Love the Tech boys. <3 [/quote] I see there is a desire for Iron Knight and Icarus to team-up/go at it. However, Iron Knight has seen is fair share of "Cross-over Purgatory" in this game. :hehe There could be worse team-ups for Arachne, such as a certain electric metahuman... :hehe And no love for Raptor and friends? How rude! >:(