~[color=00a651]Mo'Rahv VI[/color]~ ~[color=1a7b30]Koraha[/color]~ Rahviarra, Mo'Rahv's home city. A bustling place with enthused people all around, a cheerful and exciting contrast to this place. Koraha, a massive unending steppe filled to the brim with mystery, wild life and dread. It would be hard to imagine why a person of Mo'Rahv's stature would be anywhere near a place like this, but that time of questioning is long passed. Mo'Rahv, now on his 5[sup]th[/sup] day in the forsaken lands, Has not yet seen another human or person. Mo'Rahv's tent shakes and collapses as a breeze flows over the korahanian fields, it was an oddly warm breeze for the time of day it was. [i] Everytime I'm about to finish the tent, it gets knocked over...It's always just before I put the last two pegs in...[/i]. Mo'Rahv sighed as he relaxed his head backwards. It was at this time when a light, not bright enough to blind, but bright enough to be seen for miles, caught 'Rahv's eye. A phenomenon that sparked his interest in it's entirety. The possibility of a Taniwhan trap or the sun shinning off the mountain in a certain way didn't even occur to Mo'Rahv before he decided to venture forth towards it. Mo'Rahv was so desperate to see another coherent being nothing else seemed to matter at that point. He started to gather his things, and eventually move on. Leaving his tent in shambles on the ground, a campfire that is primed to be lit and a makeshift pillow laying there ready for anybody to take. Mo'Rahv collected his necessities and naively made way towards the light.