Welcome to the Golden Boar Tavern, brave hunter! This establishment is well known for both its mulled berry wine and for being the starting point for many an illustrious adventuring career. Each year, hundreds of able young adventurers and clever wanderers enters these halls in search of fortune and glory that can be seized in the aftermath of a successful Hunt of the many beasts roaming the kingdom of Gruen. That you may be looking to partake in such sport or merely looking for a warm meal matters not in this moment, as you will need to know more before you are allowed into the midst of these beast hunters. Tonight, the last party of hunters returned victorious from their adventure. As is tradition within the tavern, the next batch of hopeful heroes will only depart in a fortnight, so you must also rest and feast in their honor until then! [h3]The Natural Cycle of a Tale and You[/h3] This story is an episodic one, with each episode split into three arcs; Character, Lore and Hunt. Once you have put your name up for a specific cycle after the overall theme is set and the beast to hunt is chosen, you are asked to keep posting until the cycle you signed out for is completed. In the cycle, each arc have a set purpose to advance the characters, plot and world-building in order to make the final hunt as rich in detail and fun to play out as possible. [i]Arc One: Character[/i] is a small event where new characters appears, others departs and where each player have time to grow their own characters by interacting with others or even by means of additional monologues and flashbacks. Usually, this time will have a festive air and a rough theme or set events to help everyone interact with new arrivals. [i]Arc Two: Lore[/i] is centered around the beast to be defeated this cycle, and will involve the effort of every player to outline the legend surrounding the foe to hunt, its current location and the reason it is just now hunted in the first place. [i]Arc Three: Hunt[/i] will be the final arc of a given cycle, and be the hunting and bounty-collecting part of the story, complete with the tying of any unresolved conflict with any departing character. Since I will be maintaining an equal footing and limelight between characters, that will also means plenty of awesome moment for everyone. [h3]So you want to be a hunter?[/h3] While the amount of characters in the tavern at a given time is nearly unlimited, the Hunting party itself will be kept to six per cycle for easier handling by yours truly. You can create as many characters as you can handle without much input from me, but the hunters themselves will need to be as equal in both strength and weakness as possible. With that said, there will be a need for discussion and compromise in the OOC thread by us all in order to keep things fair for everybody, and as such the level of ability of each character may change from cycle to cycle to even things out. Should you wish to submit a hunter, please say so here, along with a small paragraph outlining who you would want to play as and what their attributes would be, that they be skills or character flaws. With that done, we'll wait for the roster of hunters to fill up before wer each write our character sheets. [b]Note: This is a Medieval Fantasy, so while technology must not be present, both magic and fantastical races have their place... just no 50 feet tall dragons or the like, please![/b] [h3]The Rules[/h3] First of all, be cool with each others, follow the rules you are already supposed to know on this site. Never move or harm another player's character without their permission! Keep OOC knowledge OOC, and IC conflicts IC. Post at least two well written (and at least spell-checked) paragraphs per IC post. Do notice the OOC crowd if something comes up and you have to leave, nobody will bite you for it, promise. :)