Hello! So excited that this is up! Here's my character outline: [hider=Sol, the spellsword] [center] [img]https://p.dreamwidth.org/1f358631bdf4/1359708-54719/i608.photobucket.com/albums/tt165/tsunderes/tourabu/kogitsunemaru07.png[/img] [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9083503/2400077[/img] [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9148347/2400077[/img] For as long as he can really remember, Sol has been adept at handling two things: swords and magic. Throughout his twenty on the earth, he hasn't really mastered much else. Born on the eastern plains to a small tribe of kitsune, he was raised to handle the mysterious magical powers passed down through generations of kitsune warriors. When very young, Sol was perhaps the most adept at controlling and utilizing his powers, much to the envy of his peers. Despite how skilled he was, there was no doubt that Sol was a young and foolish kitsune. He had a bad attitude and was a habitual mischief-maker, much to the exasperation of his teachers. It was during a test of magical skill that he accidentally killed another member of the tribe by accident. After that, he was cast out of the tribe and chased from the territory. He wandered for many days, becoming weaker and weaker, before he was found by a wandering swordsman who took pity on him. He allowed Sol to accompany him to the next town. The two had a rocky start. However, a group of bandits attacked them, and the swordsman fended them off, causing Sol to look up to him. He begged the swordsman to train him. After awhile of pleading, the swordsman begrudgingly accepted. For many years, Sol was trained by the middle-aged man, becoming wiser and more experienced as years passed by. Eventually, his master passed on due to a bone disease, leaving Sol on his own. After that, Sol continued to travel and mostly help those who needed it. [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9083495/2400077[/img] [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9083488/2400077[/img] [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9173325/2400077[/img] Sol is a mischievous, but intellectual young kitsune who is good at reading people. He tends to push people too far at times, but he can often back up his words with his deadly skills. Unfortunately, he's a little [i]too[/i] eager to fight at times. And he's a little too confident in his own abilities. Nonetheless, Sol is a calculative individual, who has an adventurous spirit and a good sense of humor. Although, he is more than a little bit arrogant. He's also a pessimist, who tends to see the bad sides of people more than he sees the good in them. He tends to be incredibly brutal in combat. [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9173321/2400077[/img] [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9207209/2400077[/img] [img]https://v.dreamwidth.org/9295785/2400077[/img] Sol is what is known as a spellsword. He specializes in three types of magic. The first is known as [i]Foxfire[/i], and it's a type of magic that involves purple flames. It is exclusive to kitsune. The next type of magic is [i]Sword Magic.[/i] Sword magic allows him to enchant his blade to make it even more powerful. He can combine his deadly Foxfire with his sword to create a devastating combination. The third type of magic is [i]Blue Magic[/i]. Blue Magic allows him to copy the magical attacks of other creatures and fighters, and use them as his own. He may only copy one ability at a time, and he can't copy physical attacks. Although he doesn't like to admit having them, Sol does have weaknesses. While he's physically and magically powerful, he is not a [i]fast [/i]fighter. His defenses against [i]physical attacks[/i] are honestly rather poor as well, making him a bit of a glass canon. He has also not completely mastered Blue Magic yet. If he doesn't have complete control of the magic he is, it can fire back at him and attack him at the least convenient moments. [/center] [/hider]