i preferred the challenge of Conequest to birthright. And then i felt instantly horrible when i chose Birthright and watched that play out before my eyes. T>T still.. i was suprized at the amount of character deaths in each game. I was not expecting as many to be sure. i do like the getting rid of the swords breaking thing, because in conquest with the upped difficulty, i barely had enough money IG to buy staffs.. T>T (i ended up getting the gold and level farming dlc so i could buy more) Another particular thing was... they can lack same sex couples.. but they have no problem with incest. In birthright especially.. T>T every bond i made with the main character royals was just.. incest.. T.T yet they won't let two guys or two girls get married?? I mean.. really?? And then the part of the game where they pretty much force you to have a relationship with your butler/maid because of their ability that grants you all this extra power and dodge.. T>T *Sigh* but i found the butler/maid obnoxious.