House sitting is weird, being in the city is weird, these tight, half-planned roads are weird, suddenly learning about the present Qatar situation is weird, et cetera, et cetera. But I'm now set up with my PC, and more prepared for the next couple weeks. Will work on my sheet presently. [quote=@Halvtand][...]also consider that the training was simply a "build up" to this fight, which is why we se the training as a flashback.[/quote] Oh, yeah, I think the fight was definitely the only time to address the training for it. Just wish the fight itself had been more interesting. You do raise a good point about Sasuke recklessly trying to prove himself awesome though. I hadn't considered that, and it does add to the scene. Also, [@The Mad Hatter]: not that my opinion is particularly important, but: [hider=Zis]I thought yours was an interesting character, and I didn't really have an opinion on the writing, even as a native English speaker. The things that confused me were what Halvtand pointed out with your brief description of the family split (which'd be super cool if expanded upon, I feel), and her nickname being "Evil". Like, was that gonna be something her family called her? Gobi nin? The last I heard (aside from never reaching Chuunin) was five years before, when she was just a kid trying to find a new home and way of life with the younger gen of her clan. Anyway, I'm eager to hear about Hisokawa mk.II[/hider]