[@KatherinWinter] [color=f26522]"Thanks Sis."[/color] Leo said as he reluctantly sat back down and looked at the paper not exactly motivated to write, just failing to brainstorm ideas of what to write. All of the talking from the other students was not helping. He was going to ask for advice from his sister but she looked just as perplexed, their first day was already starting poorly. [color=f26522]"Aren't we suppose to have a quiet place to do this?"[/color] Leo mutters. Jay was still staring at him, he knew that it shouldn't of been a big deal but just something about it still hung from his mind. The more he thought about it, the more angry he got. As Inigo observed him getting upset. [color=aba000]"I could go over and bite him."[/color] Inigo offered. Jay thought about it for a moment smirking a little at the image in his mind. Though decided against it, letting out a sigh as he picked Inigo off his shoulder and set him in his chair. [color=007236]"I'm going to ask for an apology, stay here."[/color] Jay replied walking up to the stranger. Inigo watched doing as instructed. Jay approached him seeing the brunette female student sitting next to him as he looked down at him. [color=007236]"Can I speak to you in private?"[/color] Leo looked up looking up at the other student wondering who he even was, never seeing him before. [color=f26522]"I'm a little busy. Do I know you?"[/color] Leo asked in an annoyed tone as he wasn't in a very good mood and this stranger was just another distraction from his work. Jay cleared his throat. [color=007236]"Can you just go to the corner of the room with me for like thirty seconds?"[/color] Jay asked tapping his foot a bit. [color=f26522]"I can look for you when I'm done with my assignment." [/color]Leo stated, thought it was just to get the student to leave him alone as he couldn't write while talking. [color=007236]"Fine then."[/color] Jay replied as he was already losing his patience but held himself back from starting any conflict, he went back to his seat and sat down, Inigo going back on his shoulder. [color=aba000]"Should of just let me, bite him"[/color] Inigo commented.