Matthew slowly neared the Manakete who now munched on a Meat pie he was pretty sure was supposed to be his, or Saya's. He sat down near her carefully. "Well I've only met once... Pretty recently, she said I supposed to be Naga's champion and stop the Church's madness." He told the Manakete woman, now simply ignoring his sisters attempts to protect from a woman who could easily snap his head off. "So your really Manakete... Wow, I mean there's a lot in the books about your race and there powers. I even found an old recipe book in library on foods Manaketes like to eat, most of them were either packed with sugar or meat." He wondered allowed, in truth that was not all he learned he learned that Manaketes were more dragon than human in some ways. One book had even climbed that rubbing behind their ears was an easy way to calm them and reassure them, Matthew was not willing to risk his life for that confirmation. He looked towards the new arrival getting up once more and walking towards her. "Hello, sorry for all the commotion were trying to set the Shepherds set back up here in the old base." He answered with gently, apologetic smile. "Were you here looking to join the Shepherd as well or did you have another reason for coming here?" He asked as he tried to straighten his robes a little, revealing the sword and spell books at his sides. Matthew moved out of her way now as looked towards Saya and then at the crowd as a whole. These were what they had so far for Shepherds... Well at least they were eager to fight against the Church. He just hoped he could keep them working together and avoid them harming each other. [s]_______________________________________________________________________________________[/s] Bern turned to look Chloetta carefully. "I am fine, yes it is a pity we lost so many good men and women today." He answered. "I am fine, I am however assigning you and Genna along with a small force each to look for attempt to stop the heretic champion." He told Chloetta as he finished up his paper work, his tent already neatly packed he would collapse it soon along with the others they would leave. "This letter is for you, a small group of our soldiers are waiting for you along the mountains near the border. Genna will arrive to reinforce after you make your way in to Ylisse itself." He told her offering the letter, signifying her command. "While you work on that, I'll lead the main body of forces towards the ports and secure them so reinforcements from Valm can land safely ensuring a quick victory, perhaps I'll even kill the Bandit Queen while we head that way" Bern smiled at that, knowing if she could be killed then the hordes would go back causing chaos across Plegia with no one leading them. Bern got up slowly, beginning to tear down his tent himself. "Don't worry Chloetta, after all that so called Champion should be easy for some one known as the light prodigy." He smiled as looked towards a the few cavaliers they had at the camp. "Take our cavaliers as escorts and head out, the wounded will receive proper aid once we join the main army." He said tying his bags on to one of the horse's they used to cross the sands. [s]_______________________________________________________________________________________[/s] Sules nodded. "Well if you want to reach the border by tonight, I can help!" He smiled and waved back towards the village, soon an imposing red haired woman walked over leading a horse. "What is it Sules? Whose this guy?" She asked, her hand wrapped wrapped around her sword, which seemed to be stained with blood. Sules smiled and looked towards her. "Vera this Guillame, he's heading for Ylisse. We have a letter that's supposed to go Ylisse right?" He jumped up and down a little like an excited child. "Yes we do... Alright, so we give him a horse and ask him to make the delivery of the letter? Sounds good to me, I want to get my warriors moving, we need to secure the other towns encase those stupid Naga lovers come back." She grumbled throwing the reins towards Guillame. Sules smiled, offering him a letter with the seal of Plegia's council on it. "This needs to reach Ylisstol, hopefully the Exalt or Andres. Most the towns in Ylisse have messenger system, so just bring it to them and see they send it off. In exchange you can have a horse with three days supply of food and water. Oh and if you take the horse and forget to deliver the letter, I'll turn you into newt and leave to dry up in the sun next time I see you!" The boy smiled and giggled a little as he and Vera waited for Guillame's response.