The winds blew the dirt around in waves. Every surge of wind threw earth into Worden's face. He was anything but quiet. With the collective sound of his heavy breathing, the large lumbering steps of Charlie, and Worden's voice, the party of two created a parade of noise, losing all hopes of stealth. Even though things seemed grim, Worden wore a gentle smile on his face as he walked. He talked and talked to Charlie even though he knew it had no real consciousness. Every word fell against deaf ears. Yet he continued to talk more so to keep himself sane than to be heard by anyone. Coming across a small hill, Worden decided to climb it instead of walk around. As he got to the top, the sun, previously blocked, now shined in his face. He shielded his eyes and looked around. Charlie came rumbling up beside him and stood still, as if waiting for Worden to say something. Though he did not say anything. He continued surveying the area until his eyes rested on a light off in the distance. Whether it was a fire or some other source of light, he did not know. Only that the light must have been created by someone else. A smile spread across Worden's face as he began running down the hill towards the light.