[center][h2]a little ones admiration[/h2][/center] Shiba sighed setting the wedding went off without a hitch so his presence was more or less for show. Once the wedding was over Shiba went to the reception to get some free food if nothing else. The place looked fitting for a wedding reception and it seemed like the only people here were friends of either the bride or groom so Shiba was able to relax a little. Shiba put down his hood and dropped the illusion so he was able to be seen by others. He made a straight line for the food table since holding up that illusion was so long it was tiring. He got a nice plate of food making sure to grab an apple as he sat down at some random seat. As he ate he felt like he was being watched but felt no malice from it so he decided to ignore it. Once he did finish however a few kids cane over to Shiba asking what was wrong with his hands. Shiba would have usually turned invisible and walked away but damn it their eyes were melting Shiba heart. He slowly moved his sleeves up to show them and they looked at Shiba like he was cool. They then asked if he could do tricks with them. Again Shiba sighed but he grabbed an apple and cut it in two with no effort and they awed at that and Shiba couldn't help but blush not feeling used to this kind of admiration considering his job description. They soon went and gave Shiba more to cut and he couldn't help but oblige them....at least until their parents saved Shiba from cutting anything important...