[center][h2]NPC DOSSIERS[/h2][/center] [hr][center][b]| [i]NEW ANCHORAGE NPCs[/i] |[/b][/center][hr] [INDENT][i][b]Commander Michael Graham[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Commanding Officer & Operations Director[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=olive][i][b]“I don’t believe in children’s fantasies of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, I believe in the absolute principle of order— a concept that promotes excellence, professionalism, integrity, organization, and heart. Order doesn’t allow fantasy, order allows you to be happy with your reality.”[/b][/i][/color] [img]https://theblackalicefiles.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/owari-no-seraph-05-mkv_snapshot_05-34_2015-05-05_19-10-03.png?w=350&h=197[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] Michael A. Graham [b]Appearance[/b] Commander Graham is a man that looks a decade younger than he appears, which is a bit of an oddity in his profession. Standing at six foot even and a rigorously sculpted physique Graham has proven that age is not a factor in the efforts of a professional soldier. Accompanied by dark blue-black hair that is drawn to mid-length and faded brown eyes, Graham despite the intensity he invokes is not abrasive to look at which in the past he had used to his advantage to get the wits on several enemies including rough-edged females of the criminal element. Graham has few preferences for attire— a uniform when it is available, or a loose synthweave jacket and military-fitted clothing for alternative “casual” situations. [b]Age[/b] Forty-Three [b]Role[/b] Operations Director [b]Personality[/b] Claiming to have no place for childish fantasies of morality, Michael Graham serves to believe strictly in the concept of order as in his eyes it is the only answer to life. As a military commander Graham has been called ruthless, strict, abrasive, absolutist, and demanding— all of which are, in part, true to his character. Caring not for how people see him, Graham prescribes to a militarized belief of organization, rigorous expectation, and self-fulfillment through commitment. However, he is not so simply defined as a military drone given he has explored the world with a bit of a wanderlust that harkens back to his days as an aggressive and unruly NC pilot youth. Graham’s nuances and depth will be truly hard to uncover, though, as it seems as he isn’t privy to sharing. [b]Backstory[/b] Michael Aldous Graham was born in the mega-city known as Las Vegas in 2634 within the jurisdiction of the Denver-Vegas Corporation. As an orphaned child, Graham ████████████████████████████ and was enlisted at age of seven years old and was administered to a military camp for training children. This allowed a form of ███████ to recruits to groom them into the ideal soldier. During a mandatory study of a psychological exam it was discovered that Graham was born with the ability to pilot NC’s. He was then sent off to a NC-specialized variant of the camp to which he met many like-minded children of his age and bonded with many of them. Throughout his time at the camp he was discovered to be one of the top three recruits of 2642. The others being ███████ and ███████. The three would become known as Denver-Vegas’ “Blood Trinity” as they became a force of reckoning. Starting in 2647 at The Skirmish of Andreas Fault. Sent in to deal with Red-Star insurgents that had began to encroach on Denver-Vegas territory beyond their corporate holdings in California, Graham and his comrades were said to “single-handedly” win the skirmish, though records are incomplete as sensor array camera footage has been buried in Denver-Vegas archives. As the dispute between Red-Star and Denver-Vegas continued Graham and his comrades gained prestige as the battles got more destructive and chaotic. By the end of the war the trinity had earned a reputation that would cement itself in [i]legend[/i]— a status that would be tested when Graham found himself in a one-on-one skirmish with veteran independent pilot Agatha Smith. Following the Andreas Dispute War, Graham was thrown back into the thick of it not long after when Denver-Vegas declared war on the Volkov Corporation who had “unfairly” acquired Elysian Dream. Seven long years poured into the war and at the end of it the death of ███████ by the hands of a Volkov pilot by the name of ███████. Unsurprisingly, the death was earth-shaking for both Graham and ███████, who began to see that they weren’t as invulnerable as they were led to believe. Following the death of one trinity member Denver-Vegas found their battles going downhill against Volkov’s tactical advances and eventually they sued for peace. Elysian Dream remained in Volkov hands. In the time since the Elysian War, Graham found himself earning several promotions such as first officer, field captain, squadron commander, and operations commander. However, for reasons unknown Graham resigned from Denver-Vegas in 2673, opting to work independently. His record suggests operations collaborating with Fairbanks, Paragon, and smaller independents— never sticking around for long. New Anchorage hopes he will stay on permanently. [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Veteran Military Commander [*]Experienced NC Pilot [*]Adept with Tactical Analysis [*]Expert Marksman [*]CQC Expertise[/list] [b]Notes[/b] Graham absolutely detests nicknames— he will reprimand those who do not refer to him as commander, sir, or his surname. There has few people who he has tolerated nicknames from in his past and they are no longer part of his life. Graham has two adult children he knows about, aged 21 and 18. He has employed both of them.[/hider] [i][b]Dr. Herbert Bonheur[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Head of Medicine[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=8B5B36][i][b]“Excellent. It is good that you are not [i]incompetent[/i]. Had to throw away the last nurse I had. Forgot to apply the correct stims… very bad.”[/b][/i][/color] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CauzfUVUkAISyNG.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] Herbert H. Bonheur [b]Appearance[/b] TBA [b]Age[/b] Forty-Six [b]Role[/b] Head of Medicine [b]Personality[/b] Bonheur is admittedly rather [i]obtuse[/i] given that his way of thinking isn’t exactly easy to understand by others; even fellow doctors. Coupled with a loose, casual demeanor and mannerisms that lead many to believe that the years of caffeine-induced dieting has led him to speak similar that may be a bit too quick for people to generally follow. Some consider Bonheur “insane” whilst others consider him “eccentric” but despite his terrible bedside manner and his abrasively blunt way of dealing with things Bonheur’s methods seems to always work. [b]Backstory[/b] TBA [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Best Medicial Pracitioner in Alaska [*]Skilled Pharmacist [*]Veteran Surgeon[/list] [b]Notes[/b] TBA[/hider] [i][b]Dr. James Lofgren[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Head of NC Analysis[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=306754][i][b]“With only one minute to spare and you took down an opponent who seemed to have all of the advantages. Fascinating.”[/b][/i][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fPiP5u2.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] James M. Lofgren [b]Appearance[/b] TBA [b]Age[/b] Thirty-One [b]Role[/b] NC Analyst Neurosurgeon [b]Personality[/b] TBA [b]Backstory[/b] TBA [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Well-tested NC Analyst [*]Skilled Neurosurgeon [*]Skilled Psychologist & Therapist[/list] [b]Notes[/b] TBA[/hider] [i][b]Valdislav Kuznetsov[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Head of Engineering[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=white][i][b]“Quote”[/b][/i][/color][/center] [b]Name[/b] Valdislav S. Kuznetsov [b]Appearance[/b] TBA [b]Age[/b] Fifty-Five [b]Role[/b] Senior Engineering Officer Mechanic [b]Personality[/b] TBA [b]Backstory[/b] TBA [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Veteran NC Technician [*]Experienced Electrical Engineer[/list] [b]Notes[/b] TBA[/hider] [i][b]Matthew Alvarez[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Operations Administrator[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=A57373][i][b]“Your complaints are unfounded, I assure you that everything is going according to plan. Sit down.”[/b][/i][/color] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/5/5f/2371129_1327183413019.41res_259_300.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160115203234[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] Matthew L. Alvarez [b]Appearance[/b] TBA [b]Age[/b] Twenty-Six [b]Role[/b] Operations Administrator [b]Personality[/b] TBA [b]Backstory[/b] TBA [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Eidetic Memory [*]Veteran Administrative Assistant [*]Skilled Clerk[/list] [b]Notes[/b] TBA[/hider] [i][b]Katarina Poux[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Engineering Officer[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=ac00e6][i][b]“I just wish there was a way these beautiful machines could be used for good and not evil. There is such opportunity for them to be utilized for good.”[/b][/i][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ctt5cbW.png?1[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] Katarina “Kat” Poux [b]Appearance[/b] Katarina is easy on the eyes when she is cleaned up, but due to her constant tweaking of machinery she tends to have a oil and dust-spotted appearance. Her hair is black that is worn long or in a messy ponytail depending on her time management and awareness. Her eyes are a perceptive hazel and her choices of attire are generally engineering jumpsuits and uniforms; rarely does Katarina remember what it was like to wear loose ‘feminine’ type clothing. Katarina is about average height for her ethnicity and age, setting in at around 5’6”. [b]Age[/b] Twenty-Five [b]Role[/b] Junior Engineering Officer [b]Personality[/b] Katarina is upbeat and chirpy despite her “muddy” profession, choosing to be welcoming and optimistic rather than cynical and realistic. Whilst some might consider her an annoyance, her energy and emotions do set a mood amongst the engineering staff that leads to a good morale boost. However, with the shadow of death this disposition can be damaged and inverted; thus revealing a sort of “hot” and “cold” dynamic to her personality. However, Katarina tries very hard to not be downbeat and thinks things forward and not backward; she had done such dwelling on negative emotions when she was younger after all. [b]Backstory[/b] The daughter of a NC pilot and a weapons engineer, Kat has been surrounded by big machines with complex machinery her entire life. A background that would bring the young girl to study all things mechanical and electrical which led to an astute understanding of mechs and traditional armored vehicles alike. Around the age of thirteen years old the world revealed itself to be much more harsh than she had been led to believe despite her parents professions being blatantly a product of their warlike environment. This tragedy was the death of her mother, Piana, when her independent NC was overwhelmed in combat. The effects of said death would bring her father to alcoholism and retirement from working on new NC weapon schematics and prototypes. Kat would go on following in the footsteps of who her father was before the accident and became an exceptional mechanic and designer in her own right., though she couldn’t seem to escape stigmas about her or her family wherever she went. By the age of twenty, following her instruction as an engineer she found herself in the employ of one of the big corporations: Fairbanks. Several months ago she quit her position as an aspiring engineer at Fairbanks due to various reasons and found herself in league with New Anchorage. [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Skilled NC Technician [*]Experienced Electrical Engineer [*]Weapons Designer[/list] [b]Notes[/b] TBA[/hider] [i][b]Ingram Kalfox[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Financial & Intelligence Agent[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=EAC117][i][b]“It is so nice to see the youth looking optimistically towards their future— and the more ruthless of us trying to redeem their path in life. It brings hope for our time.”[/b][/i][/color] [img]https://k41.kn3.net/4A3DB00AD.png[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] Ingram Kalfox [b]Appearance[/b] TBA [b]Age[/b] 43-56 [b]Role[/b] Operations Economist [b]Personality[/b] TBA [b]Backstory[/b] TBA [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Comprehensive Knowledge of International NC Pilots [*]Skilled Businessman & Economist[/list] [b]Notes[/b] TBA[/hider] [i][b]Rebecca Marek[/b][/i] [color=darkgray][sub][b][i]Operations Commander[/i][/b][/sub][/color] [hider=DOSSIER][center][color=E55451][i][b]“---”[/b][/i][/color] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/47884647/Konachan.com_20-_20150744_20boots_20gun_20kauto_20long_hair_20original_20red_eyes_20red_hair_20tag_large.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] Rebecca “Reb” Marek [b]Appearance[/b] TBA [b]Age[/b] 28-36 [b]Role[/b] Military Commander [b]Personality[/b] TBA [b]Backstory[/b] TBA [b]Tactical Preference & Skills[/b] [list][*]Experienced Soldier & Military Commander [*]Veteran Anti-NC Special Operations Unit [*]Talented in Tactical Analysis [*]Skilled in CQC [*]Marksman[/list] [b]Notes[/b] TBA[/hider][/INDENT]