[@SleepingSilence] Katherin watched as a boy approached her brother. She bite her lip at the interaction. Her brother wasn't good at multitasking. She was ready to intervene if she needed to. But luckily it there didn't seem to be a need. She relaxed alittle bit as the other boy walked away. She was relieved that another fight hadn't broken out. She turned her attention back to her paper. She started writing random things on the paper that she felt she was good at. [hr] [@Framing A Moose] [color=a187be]"I am a wizard. I can get anything I want. I have power, money, and respect."[/color] Merlin answered. He knew that Lorane was trying to find an easy out. But he wasn't going to allow her to do that. She could try that with the next teacher. But he wasn't an easy target. He had everything he wanted or needed. The teachers were carefully selected to make it hard for the kids more inclined towards evil ways to get away with that while they were here.