[center][hider=Mari/Armon] [b][h2]“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”[/h2][/b] [h3][color=9e0b0f][u][i][b]Name[/b][/i][/u][/color][/h3] Mari Augustine - Female/ actual form [hider=Female/ Original form] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Y0OpDqI6nME/UfCAb_CfQZI/AAAAAAAAFdY/2_uI1FIK2SE/s2560/armor%2520cleavage%2520drakengard_3%2520dress%2520eyepatch%2520nopan%2520pubic_hair%2520shizumi_satou%2520sword%2520zero_%2528drakengard%2529hd+wallpaper+++%5Banimefullfights.com%5D.jpg[/img] A beautiful woman that stands at about 6'6" and has mesmerizing lavender colored eyes. Her build is indeed muscular but not as much as her male form. [/hider] Armon Verdoux - Male form [hider=Male form/ War form] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3a/76/80/3a768021a0671f17ec6340b9f764e074.jpg[/img] Indeed a handsome man that has long white hair like her normal female form. At times, she'll put her hair in a ponytail in her male form. He stands at 7'2", trumping most people he meets. His eye color is a lighter purple. His build is extremely muscular and there is no traces of a male in appearances. [/hider] Nickname “Why are you women calling me this..? Not that i’m not honored to have you call me such a thing.” The prince of war [h3][color=9e0b0f][u][i][b]Race [/b][/i][/u][/color][/h3] Clan of Ares (god of war) [h3][color=a0410d][u][i][b]Skills[/b][/i][/u][/color][/h3] *Yes, she is in fact a woman. However, due to her powers, she has 2 different forms. One which she used all of the times in public which in fact, is a male. Her war form. The only form that she will use to draw blood. If someone is to touch her in any way, she will turn back into a girl and although this doesn't really change her strength, it does in fact make her more aware of the things that she does. Because of this, she wears a black cover over her mouth and black gloves at all times. The only way that she will transform back if someone touches her above the waist and other than her arms. Not hands, arms. Touching her face, neck, hands, or chest will cause her to fall to her knees and back into a girl. *Her father taught her many different types of fighting styles. The main ones being systema, boxing, and jujitsu. She can use any at any time that she chooses. *Firearms and other weapons. Due to her own practice as well of her father’s, she has a vast knowledge of weapons. Firearms especially. *Her aim is extremely good. She practiced daily and shooting is like using her arm all the same. When she/he’s a sniper, they never expect her bullet. Of course, she’s more of a fan of close combat using her sword or her gun. *She can feed off of the pain that others experience. Be it cries of someone calling for help or someone begging for mercy under her, it causes her to increase her speed. At times, she can be extremely fast which causes people to believe that she has teleportation powers. Her normal speed is, in fact, above average. However, not nearly as fast as it can get. *Healing is one of her specialties. She can heal anything up to broken bones with her blood. Someone’s head falling off would be a different story. -Other than that, she is not very proud to say that she has exemplary skills that of a house maid. [color=a0410d][u][i][b] Personality[/b][/i][/u][/color] Male: Expressionless, cruel, serious Equal: Adventurous, calm, forgiving, kind, caring, curious, loyal, and somewhat sensitive (?) However, some are more enhanced in the F/M form. One could be less kind while the other is extremely kind. Female: Playful, childish at times,-- When she is in her male form, he always appears expressionless in battle. Except for his looks of disgust when he is battling someone. A look that has his eyes speak rather than his mouth. The woman see him as an ideal man. He can charm them with his words while not seeming like a flirt. Armon always smiles at his people and treats everyone equally. He hates special treatment and misunderstandings. Armon somehow comes off as unapproachable to others around him as he walks with an air of superiority that comes with his high ranking. Truthfully, her male form does not care about anything other than drawing blood and protecting others. In both of her forms, she/he does not treat anyone else unfairly. Even with the war, she doesn’t hate on anyone that does her no harm. If they do, they know that she/he will fight them. Mari isn’t known to really… anyone. No one knows that “Mari” exists. All they know is Armon. If Mari is seen, she will most likely flee somewhere else so that she does not have to introduce herself. She is quick to defend herself and does indeed, have her male forms strength. Mari doesn’t like petty competitions to boost other’s pride. She hates them. Child’s play is what she calls it. And war is something to feels disgust towards. Having to draw blood all for small reasons. War is utterly shameless but she knew that it was a part of our sad lives. Our pathetic ways. Our selfish ways. [h3][color=9e0b0f][u][i][b]Bio[/b][/i][/u][/color][/h3] Mari was born into a family that fed off of hatred. All that she saw in her home was bitter and tasteless. It was sad. Her father then went off to a war soon, causing her mother to worry a lot and often lash out for no reason. Before that, they would argue daily, always having her have to awake to annoying sounds of yelling. Her father was a good fighter. One of the best warrior's. But that wasn’t enough. He died out on the battlefield due to a tasteless attack at one of the camps while they were sleeping. Prideless trash. Soon after that, Mari began to explore her powers and found that she had another form hidden within her. Even without it, she had trained everyday. Learning how to wield a sword effortlessly and shoot a gun with great aim. Fighting was all that she was used to. Her father often taught her how to fight before and he was a fan of “tough love”. She could fall to the ground, bleeding and gasping for air but he would tell her to stand up and try again. It was hard but she soon formed a hard shell. Her male form was simply a way for people to take her more seriously and boost her strength. Mother wasn’t well after father’s death. Which was when Mari was 16. She fell into a deep pit of depression. Mari never really spoke to her as she grew older. She simply took care of her without speaking as mother slowly lost her sanity. In the end, she grew old alone and one day Mari found her dead in her room after she had locked herself inside for a day. Her funeral was small and only consisted of about 10 to 12 people. Mari started training more than ever. If there was anything she wanted to do, it was to learn to protect others around her. She now lives alone in the forest. Either that, or she just sleeps anywhere quiet with no one around. Work is work. She does jobs that she can find around the place. Mostly hunting jobs or simply working at a shop. She has great people skills when she's in her male form. Female form? Who knows. [/hider][/center]