[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3441706][img]http://i.imgur.com/0S5oGT9.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] [hr] Aimee was exploring the store near her friend, Rai. She saw a [url=http://puu.sh/nRGf0/b4adcbf438.jpg]book[/url] and looked from the Spinda on her shoulders to her friend and back. [color=f49ac2]"I'll buy this in advance..."[/color] She smiled and grabbed the book. She was startled by her friend speaking to her, and put it behind her back. [b]"Hey, Aimee, do you wanna catch the show?"[/b] She said. Aimee was curious about what she meant, so she walked over to where Rai was standing. [b] "It says the show isn't till eight, so we've got some time to get there. It's at the park or something. I know, I know, magic shows are for kids, but hey, you might be able to get some awesome photos if you come with. Whaddya say? It'll be fun, even Flame's excited."[/b] [color=f49ac2]"Magic show. Sounds fun,"[/color] Aimee said to herself. She hadn't seen a magician before, unless posters count. She wanted to see one in person for the longest time, so she thought this would be her chance. The poster was very colorful, with an Ekans coming out of his sleeve and a bunch of Pidgeys flying around him. "The Marvelous Masked Magician" was a bad name, though. Even she could do better. And she has, but that's beside the point. She was sure that the pictures she could get would be amazing. She bought the book, put it in her bag, and walked outside. [color=f49ac2]"I think it's going to rain."[/color] She said, frowning. [color=f49ac2]"But the show might be in one of those tent things, right? Or do they only get those for fairs? I've never seen a magic show or one of those clown thingies, so I wouldn't know."[/color] This would mean that she couldn't take pictures. Or see a magic show. She really wanted to take pictures, though. [color=f49ac2]"It's still really pretty out here. Maybe I could find a nice spot to take a few snaps before it rains. If it rains. By the way,"[/color] She said, looking around the area. She saw some purple-haired girl staring at Rai. She looked a bit darker than the both of them, maybe shorter as well. She wasn't sure if Rai was looking back at her, so she tapped her on the shoulder. [color=f49ac2]"That girl's looking at you. You should say hi."[/color] She gave Rai a little nudge into the direction of the purple-haired girl as to tell her to get moving.