[h1][color=6ecff6]Mars[/color][/h1] Mars flicked her eyes over to Matthew, finishing the last of the meat pie while licking her fingers. She raised an eyebrow as Matthew said something about meeting Tiki and saying that she was 'Naga's champion.' her eyes flashed at the words. She blinked slowly, staring at him even more intently as he said something about books about her kind. [color=6ecff6]"Wait.. there are books about Manaketes? Really??"[/color] She asked, excitement making her eyes flash to their Draconic form, the pupils dilating like a cat's. [color=6ecff6]"Can i read them??"[/color] she asked. The idea of learning about her own kind, when she barely knew a thing about them because of her childhood.. made her ecstatic. [color=6ecff6]"They sound pretty accurate. At least.. about the meat part."[/color] she stated, a friendly and animalistic smile stretching across her face. Mars bounded back towards Matthew, getting a second look at him. A scrawny, cute human with dark hair and gentle eyes. She moved closer, until she was almost on top of him, sniffing him suspiciously before tilting her head as she twisted her mouth back and forth in thought. She had promised herself to never hang around with humans again.. but this one smelled like books.. and he knew a Manakete who wasn't her. Maybe if she hung around with him, Mars could be introduced to another of her kind.. and finally not be alone. Besides.. staying with these humans might offer some form of protection from Manakete hunters, and these humans were certainly more interesting than going off on her own. Though the idea of being a Shepherd was weird. [color=6ecff6]"If I come along with you.. can i eat a portion of the sheep we are tending?"[/color] her question was filled with ignorance and innocence, but it could be taken the wrong way if someone didn't know Manaketes do not eat humans. _______________ [color=00a651][h1]Andross[/h1][/color] After a short period of travel, Andross arrived with Sophia behind him. He smiled as he surveyed the small group which had surrounded the voice. He stayed back as he saw the woman with the pointed ears approach the voice. He'd never seen a creature quite like her.. certainly not a human. She could be a Taguel.. but there was a predatory way she moved which made that seem impossible. Instead of puzzling over what she could be, Andross turned his attention to the voice of Naga, blinking slowly as he surveyed those gathered before them. [color=00a651]"Greetings.. voice of Naga.. I am Andross.. i have come to offer my assistance to you in battle."[/color] he gave a low and formal bow to the man, his jewelry jingling as he stood back upright. The strange woman gave him a weird look, tilting her head as she curled her lip. [color=6ecff6]"You are a dancer."[/color] she stated cooly. Andross just gave her a charismatic smile. [color=00a651]"That i am, my lady."[/color] he stated. [color=00a651]"I am not much of a fighter.. but i can inspire the troops to do things they never dreamed were possible through my dances."[/color]