[color=9e0039][b]"Aye, yer gorram roi',"[/b][/color] Kira said in response to the bosun's question. She took the key to her quarters and stashed it in her voluminous cleavage, then clomped loudly up the gangplank. She spared a few looks around the deck before deciding what to do first. Multiple sailors busy with getting the ship ready to make way recognized her from the previous night, and she shared a few laughs and some familiarity with them. A few were surprised at how much one woman could drink - she had out-drank many of them during the celebrations. She noted the captain lounging about while talking to... a tiny person? Kira had never met a fairy before, so she was genuinely curious. Unfortunately, she became extremely distracted by the captain himself. He was clearly the most handsome man on the ship, but the margin was enormous. The things Kira could do to that man... She shook her head. Those thoughts could be dwelled upon later - for now she had to focus. The crew appeared to know what they were doing. The last few had boarded behind Kira, and after a good tongue-lashing they had their orders and were scurrying about. Before she knew it, the ship cast off from the dock, sails unfurling, the bosun shouting to weigh anchor. Kira made her way to the Captain to introduce herself. [color=9e0039][b]"Cap'n!"[/b][/color] She saluted him briefly, more a gesture of respect than anything else as they were not members of any navy, then offered a hand to shake. [color=9e0039][b]"Me name's Kira Kodera. Ah bin 'ired t' be yer fers' ma'e."[/b][/color]