[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/urLEINE.png[/img] [color=00bfff][b]The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold, The Star Forger[/b] [b]Level 4 Cosmic God; Stars[/b] 6 Might & 3 Free Points[/color][/center] Pitch black void surrounded Ull'Yang while he was pondering on how he would go about creating his personal plane. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Hmm, I guess I should lay the groundwork first..."[/b][/i][/color] he thought and suddenly, time began in this, currently unnamed, plane. [color=00bfff][i][b]"There's no need for the time difference to be huge between this plane and the Material Plane...2 years here correspond to 1 year outside; Yeah, that is going to be just fine..."[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang mused and he gestured in some abstract motion, like a painter that was tracing the lines of his soon to be piece of art. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Of course, we will also need gravity lest we want everything that will inhabit this place to float around aimlessly... although that would be interesting, now that I think about it,"[/b][/i][/color] he chuckled at the thought while tracing more lines on his invisible canvas. And so, gravity came to be in Ull'Yang's plane. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Now that gravity and time are in place, it's time to fill this plane with the necessary materials from which everything else will be created."[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang's core started rotating, slowly at first but ever so slightly increasing in speed. One by one, blue lines began to appear on Ull'Yang's celestial body; veins that were circulating divine essence throughout his body, empowering it in the process. Ull'Yang felt his power swell up inside of him and a deep blue light radiated outwards. Puffs of blue jade colored smoke started emerging from his nostrils as he was getting ready to literally "breathe" creation into being. Suddenly, Ull'Yang opened up his giant mouth as starfire mixed with divine essence spewed out of it in cataclysmic proportions, instantly filling up the plane to its brim with the essence needed for creation. Like a gigantic tsunami wiping an island from the map so did Ull'Yang's breath wipe away the void that existed before, albeit, not actually removing it from existence and more like covering it up. When the whole process was finished and the last wisps of starfire escaped from Ull'Yang's mouth, he snapped his jaw shut as a smile of joy and satisfaction lit up his eager face. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Ah, this is more like it. Now that the plane is filled with divine essence, It just needs a few more modifications such as creating the lands and the skies before the plane is ready to sustain life,"[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang thought, pleased with his work. However, even thought the plane was almost ready, he did not proceed with finishing his work. He opted to put it on hold as, in the process of filling up the plane with essence, his starfire increased the temperature of the plane to unimaginable heights. It would require some time to pass for the plane to cool down a bit before finishing everything up. And so Ull'Yang waited. Time flowed like water and half a million years passed. The plane, now aptly named [b]Cygnea[/b] by Ull'Yang, was ready to be filled with land and life. Ull'Yang willed the divine essence around him to condense into the different kind of minerals that are present in the Material Realm. Slowly, the essence started transforming into a bare, flat land that extended for miles upon miles in all four directions until it was eventually met with a barrier. That barrier was what separated Cygnea from the rest of the Universe. The barrier also had the peculiar ability to teleport anyone that tried to pass through it all the way to the opposite side of Cygnea. That was one of Ull'Yang's measures against outside influences. If someone or something managed to enter his plane without his permission, they would be trapped inside it, unable to escape, unless of course he allowed them to leave or they already possessed a means of entering and exiting planes at will. Ull'Yang flew a few miles above the [url=http://www.theexpeditioner.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/DSC_3988exp.jpg]barren land[/url] of his demi-plane. [color=00bfff][b]"Everything starts with water..."[/b][/color] He muttered and pointed at the land below him. He slowly started raising his hands and as if the land itself bowed down to his will, huge cracks started appearing at the surface of Cygnea with water endlessly pouring out of them. In a few moments, the previously desolate land was entirely submerged under an enormous amount of water, turning it into a [url=http://patricksmithphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/110129-7226-EndlessSea6.jpg]waterworld[/url]. [color=00bfff][b]"Rise,"[/b][/color] Ull'Yang commanded. The sea below him trembled and parted as four huge continents appeared, each one of the four facing one direction and each separated by a distance of close to five thousand miles, give or take. Following this, Ull'Yang went into a creation frenzy, manipulating and molding the lands through sheer instinct. On the northern continent, Ull'Yang raised mountains ranges and rocky cliffs; their heights far surpassing even the tallest of Galbarian mountains. With his claws, he punctured some of the mountains and crystal clear water started coming out from the holes. The water flowed down the mountains, creating fierce waterfalls and raging rivers. Ull'Yang also littered the lands of the eastern and western continents with mountains; albeit much smaller in comparison to the gigantic mountains of the northern continent, they were still a sight to behold. In between these mountains, he flattened the lands, creating vast valleys that, in the future, would be brimming with life. Lastly, when he flew over the southern continent, Ull'Yang felt something was wrong. He felt an inexplicable feeling, an urge so strong that eventually consumed him. In a fit of rage, he lashed at the piece of land below him with his mighty tail. The continent, obviously unable to handle the sheer brute force exerted by the mighty god's strike, following a calamitous explosion, broke into many pieces. Some sunk back inside the ocean they came from while some others separated and created many little islands, forming an archipelago. Ull'Yang, having regained his composure, looked at the remnants of the once large southern continent with a solemn expression. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Might this be another one of Fate's little tricks? One would never know..."[/b][/i][/color] he sighed. At first, he wanted to reverse the damage by fusing the remaining islands and creating another continent, but in the end, he decided against it. He couldn't fathom why he would so suddenly be enveloped by such a destructive feeling. [color=00bfff][i][b]"This, I definitely have to examine the reason behind such a strange occurrence, else I won't be able to rest easy."[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang flew up high in the air and gazed down at his creation, feeling somewhat proud of his work. However, something was missing. The last piece of the puzzle, [i]life[/i], had not yet taken form. Ull'Yang, nevertheless, had already made preparations beforehand; one could even say that he was ready even before everything else was ready. Back when he had sacrificed his own limb so that his sibling Slough could survive the harsh void of pre-creation, completely unbeknownst to him, a faint string of life essence from the slumbering Slough had made its way inside of him through his wound, milliseconds before Slough's cocoon sealed the opening he himself had created by force. The string of life essence swam inside his body and fused with him, nestling in a corner of his soul. It was only just recently that he had discovered the foreign essence, just after he entered his fourth stellar cycle. At first, he didn't know what to do with the essence so he simply left it dormant inside his soul, but it seemed it was now time for him to finally bring it out. He used his divine will and delicately extracted the string of life energy from the depths of his soul before using it to plant the seeds from which life would, in time, emerge on his, currently lifeless, plane of Cygnea. After putting the finishing touches on his creations, Ull'Yang made his way to a small island located right in the middle of the inner ocean between the three continents and the broken archipelago. He descended upon the island, seemingly tired from exerting all that power in order to modify the plane to his liking, and lied down in a comfortable position, coiling up his long body to fit the entirety of the island. Alas, his sheer size was too big to fit inside the island and so, the tip of his tail ended up being submerged underwater. Right before the Star Forgers eyelids slowly closed, though, a bewildering thought spurred inside his mind. [color=00bfff][i][b]"I have yet to establish a day/night cycle! How could I forget?!"[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang mentally facepalmed, frustrated by his negligence. Seeing empty void 24/7 would be catastrophic for any lifeform that would inhabit this plane. He pondered on the problem for some time before finding a decent solution. He raised his right hand and a miniature star appeared on his palm. He played with the star for a while before flying up high in the skies above the small island. The plan was as such: the center of the plane was right at the location of the small island. Thus, he would only have to make it so the sun moves in circles around the small island. When the star is over a place, it's day in that specific place. When it's not, it's night. The star acts like a spotlight and shines downward as it moves! It was a brilliant plan! After he solved the last problem, he returned back to the small island and once again coiled up to sleep. As slumber overtook him, he donned a satisfied smile, his ferocious visage turning into a peaceful one in an instant. And so Ull'Yang slept. Time would pass and life would eventually flourish in the lands of Cygnea, but that is a story for another time... [hider=Summary]Ull'Yang creates his personal plane, with lands, continents, oceans and all the jazz. Uses a string of life energy he obtained from Slough pre-Big Bang in order to plant the seeds for life to be in his plane.[/hider][hider=Might Summary] No Might usage. Everything he did was related to the creation of his personal plane, aside from the seeds of life which that too came from Slough's essence [@Lugubrious] I hope that I didn't overstep the boundaries. If so, please say so and I will fix everything immediately. Star created with inherent powers. No moon.[/hider]