[@ClocktowerEchos] You mean if I'm still participating in this right? Which of course I'm I would bail with out telling you. Just been busy with a new computer. Transferring file and crap over a horrible network as I'm too poor to by a decent portable hard drive. Also work followed by getting having our traditional lest get blind drunk after doing more hot cross buns anyone would enjoy doing. Also now more people have posted I'll happy put something together was merely waiting on a few other posts to happen. EDIT: Having some time to read the rest of the page and think on the question you meant it literally didn't you? *sigh* [hider=Condition] If so she got a few burns herself(a couple of them are shall be pretty bad) a concussion of some sort. A number of cuts and gashes. And I'm thinking of a dislocated or broken arm. [/hider]